My Domain Name - Getting Rid of Mental Clutter

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I have been debating to renew or not to renew a domain I have in maintenance that is my legal name. After renewing it for many years and not using it, I realize it's useless to keep it. I'm now facing the truth: I really don't want to use it, you will see why soon, read on. I'm getting rid of stuff and not all is physical. Mental clutter is also clutter, and having that unused domain is nothing but clutter. 

I used to enthusiastically register domains only because I thought they were great names and maybe they were but no to having them parked somewhere, as I used to do. I have stopped being so impulsive. Yes, I have been very good at starting  projects that I left unfinished, several at the same time. That diluted my focus.  I became a jack of all trades, master of none. Why did I have to be interested in so many things at the same time? I overcame that phase if one could call it like that, and it was time I did! 

Going back to the topic of my domain name, connected to my legal name. See, I kept that last name for convenience, because my Spanish name is not short and I got impatient having to spell it all the time (I already learned the lesson of being patient when needed). Also my last name is a remnant of my marriage and I also kept it because it was the last name of my son and back then I wanted both of us having the same last name, I felt the divorce would be less traumatic for him this way. Years later my son told me he wouldn't have minded if I had changed my name back to the original one! I had assumed instead of asking him... Now, it feels like I was clinging to my past. The fact is that I feel relieved by not renewing the domain and letting it go free. The art I create I sign with my maiden name anyway, and I use a pen name for my writing. One of these days I may legally change my last name to my original one. Besides I also have a domain name with my maiden name as well.

¿Is this important? Yes, I think so, I want to be remembered by my family name although I will always be myself, not a name. 


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