You must first deal with acceptance before changing your life

in #life7 years ago

Life can be a hard pill to swallow. Regularly, we are overwhelmed by second thoughts, disappointments and frailties that torment our brains and control our activities.

We are overpowered by circumstances we can't change and things we wish we could reclaim. We encounter disaster, misfortune and dread, alongside double-crossing, desire and awful recollections.

In any case, life doesn't need to be so difficult. There's a craftsmanship to figuring out how to release things and leaving the stresses of the past to yesterday. Since throughout everyday life, we're all conveying a similar load, yet what separates us is the means by which we convey it.

The individuals who experience existence with an apparently unaffected mentality are the general population who comprehend the edges of life and the contrasts between what can be changed and what can't. In understanding those distinctions, they can proceed onward and appreciate life as it's exhibited.


The general population don't get worked up when their plane is postponed or when they didn't get the advancement they needed.

The general population can proceed onward easily starting with one tragedy then onto the next. They don't fuss about the unavoidable and proceed onward to greater and better things previously they have sufficient energy to cry about the past.You shouldn't gag on life. All you require is water, a great outlook and a comprehension between the things that can be changed and the things that must be acknowledged.

There's nothing you can do about your long arms or your elbow knees. You can't settle your huge ears or your significantly greater feet, however you can change how you feel about them. Your defects are just blemishes as long as you make them so and it's dependent upon you to acknowledge yourself, imperfections what not.

Excellence is a standard that we make up ourselves and nobody can characterize it equitably. Reveal to yourself you're lovely and let your blemishes move toward becoming characterizing qualities instead of imperfections you wish you could dispose of, in light of the fact that you never will.

You can't pick your family, yet you can pick your companions. Regardless of whether you have an incredible family, it's imperative to keep up a companion aggregate that resembles family since we as a whole realize that in the session of life, you require great companions on your side.

Since some of the time family sufficiently isn't to alleviate the torment of forlornness and the hardships of life. So whether you have an extraordinary family or one you'd rather make tracks in an opposite direction from, pick your companions admirably on the grounds that they tend to end up plainly another sort of family.


Things you've lost before, regardless of whether it be a sweetheart or an inestimable bit of adornments, can be difficult to give up. In any case, the apparitions of things and individuals past have no room in your present and will just frequent you as long as you let them.

Try not to let the memory of things withdrew turn out to be a piece of your life any more. The main thing you can do now is compensate for your misfortunes. Locate another sweetheart, a superior bit of inestimable gems or a trance inducer who can enable you to overlook it .

The end result for's you without further ado isn't something you can change, however you can change how you react to it in light of the fact that there's nothing more awful than somebody who doesn't know how to "take the path of least resistance."

Life is too short not to influence the best to out of circumstances and worrying over things that can't be changed. Figure out how to alter your desires and change your viewpoint so you don't squander minutes that could have been extraordinary ones.

Hurt you once, disgrace on them. Hurt you twice, you're a masochist. In the event that somebody harms you, there's no other viable option for you, yet utilize the agony and the learning of that torment to decline to give it a chance to happen once more. Encircle yourself with individuals who are just going to hurt you resembles intentionally cutting yourself.

Agony should show you a lesson, to shield you from committing a similar error twice. Gain from the individuals who treated you terribly and pick the following individual you let into your existence with fear and the learning of that agony.

Ordinarily your body will never show signs of change from its inclined weight or shape. You are your identity expected to be and your body is only a vessel that conveys your spirit. Because you're not a size 2 doesn't mean you shouldn't treat yourself like the most lovely and exceptional individual on this planet.

Your body is your sanctuary, and however you can't generally transform it, you should deal with it. Try not to obliterate it, regard it a similar way you deal with your own particular home.


really great post!
I love the little cute hands of small kids. They are such cute and adorable!!
I used to put my finger in the hands of kids (when they close their hands like a punch) and I used them to guide me about future
if the kid applied pressure on my finger its a YES!!!


Wonderful! What precious little hands! A big hug to your little boy! :*

i love your post @bijoy123

You read it all in 1 Min? I should spam you but you’re already at A reputation Of 9

lol true

It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES.

so true author.

so nice... i like it.

nice post. good philosophy

Nice blog beautiful photography thanks for share it. Please upvote my post

Kinda wish someone said this to me 4 years ago, since the beginning of my depression as I dealt with hardships. I actually ignored them and refused to accept that misfortunes are a part of life and wasted all my years into believing that nothing can be changed and then I slowly but surely I just had to give up and accept it. Ever since then my life moved on (but very slowly).

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