Start living in the present

in #life6 years ago

What is living completely right now? It implies that your mindfulness is totally focused on the without a moment's hesitation. You are not stressing over the future or considering the past. When you embrace the here and now, you are living where life is going on. The past and future are dreams, they don't exist.

As the truism goes "tomorrow never comes". Tomorrow is just an idea, tomorrow is continually holding up to come around the bend, yet around that corner are shadows, never to have light shed upon, in light of the fact that time is dependably now.

In case you're not embracing current circumstances, you're living in dream. That appears to a be a really justifiable reason motivation to embrace the here and now, isn't that right? In any case, how regularly would we say we are agonizing over things that presently can't seem to come, how frequently do we thump ourselves for botches that we've made, regardless of what amount of time has passed?

The appropriate response is excessively. Not exclusively will living in the present dramatically affect your passionate prosperity, yet it can likewise affect your physical wellbeing. It's for some time been realized that the measure of mental pressure you convey can detrimentally affect your wellbeing. In case you're embracing the here and now, you're living in acknowledgment.


You're tolerating life as it is currently, not as how you wish it would have been. When you're living in acknowledgment, you understand everything is finished as it seems to be. You can excuse yourself for the oversights you've made, and you can have tranquility in your heart realizing that everything that should happen will.

The most exceedingly awful part about living previously or what's to come is that you're surrendering your own energy. In case you're not living now, you're surrendering your life. You're surrendering your energy to make. In the event that there are transforms you'd get a kick out of the chance to make throughout everyday life, it's best to do it now.

In case you're living previously, you can't make a move, it's no more. In case you're stressing over what's to come, you're living some place that doesn't exist. It hasn't happened yet. On the off chance that you need to change your life, the main place you can do it is in the present. However, first you have to acknowledge life as it may be. All things considered your psyche is the main thing shielding you from embracing current circumstances.

There are numerous individuals that can give you their conclusion or their recommendation on why it is hard to embrace the here and now. Some will state it is on the grounds that we live in deliberation, we live in the realm of images. Some may state it is on account of we have familiarity with the progression of time, or the figment of time, it produces uneasiness since we can take a gander at the past and anticipate what's to come.

I think about these answers are in part obvious. Despite the fact that the most compelling motivation we don't live in the present is on account of we don't quiets down. That is, we always converse with ourselves


Thanks @journeyoflife, your post has made me get up this morning( Philippines time) and jump start my life. I can be a chronic procrastinator.. Mostly is always because of my mood. . when am feeling down, nothing else around me seems to function, i need to stop living in the past and embrace the present.Time is now or never.

I like that Motto “ Now or never “

I forced myself to start throwing away things today. Feels great. Clean house. Clear mind. My dryer just broke...:( oh well.

A true definition of "life happens", when u try to fix ur self, but something always happens thst try to dumpen ur spirit.. But love the fact that it dnt seem to bother u that ur dryer broke. . .

Yes. Thanks for your posts. Really helps. :)

Successful post today, good luck @journeyoflife

In case you're not embracing current circumstances, you're living in dream.

Exactly! Thanks for your words

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