Help others out of kindness , do not expect a return

in #life6 years ago

It is smarter to offer than to get. The revered truism is drummed into our heads from our first cut of a common birthday cake. Be that as it may, is there a more profound truth behind the cliché?

In the course of recent weeks, I've had an enlightening acknowledgment of how critical helping other people really is. No activity, regardless of how little, is without its impact on everyone around you. Individuals may overlook what you said or what you did, yet they will always remember how you affected them. Behind each fruitful individual is a tremendous system of individuals who bolster them.

Everybody needs assistance sooner or later in their lives. Everybody likewise can help in somehow.

It takes a great deal of vitality to make another person feel awful, and at last, you just feel useful for a brief period. When you make another person feel glad, in addition to the fact that you are upbeat as well, yet that inclination keeps going any longer.


That is a decent method to consider things when we address issues, for example, harassing and separation. With our words and activities, we can both damage and help other people. It can get tiring immediately when you're deliberately guiding time towards debasing others to raise your own position. It's what prompts yelling affronts, clench hand battles, and causing superfluous show.

Rather, treating others with sympathy is the most ideal approach to pick up regard from your associates. Offer a listening ear, a comforting presence, or expressions of guidance. This is the manner by which you assemble solid connections that are established on common trust as opposed to struggle. You can never truly realize what issues that other individuals are confronting, and some of the time the basic demonstration of being there for them is intense. They will recollect it, regardless of whether you think it was no major ordeal.

You may not know it, but rather individuals acknowledge when you help them. It persuades them to be better individuals. Indeed, even after the individual has completed a candy, despite everything they have that sweet taste in their mouth. Rather than being severe, they now take a stab at sweetness. Before you know it, that individual is currently passing out candies to other individuals, much the same as you are.


Being a good person and bringing positive energy to the people around us will help us achieve a sense of peace and happiness. Making this an habit will end up improving our overall emotional well being.

I believe if you give help/happiness, the life/universe finds a way to give it back to you.

Very well said , and I have to agree with the part that the universe will give back to you !

yup, spread the good word, I kind of mentioned it in my recent post:

My experience: Often when you help someone you profit youself from it too. You learn some new skill, get experience, broaden your horizon!

So also from this perspective - always good to help!

(Nice picture, Myriams-Fotos! Join us and we'll steem you up!)

That is too but our mentality shouldn’t be towards that

Great wisdom and this should be our default setting if you like. Sadly this has to be told to people. Ubuntu. <3

Wow nice words
Really educating
Helping other is one of the best action one need to take always if one help another, one will received blessing from God and even from man,one of the best investment is to help cause definitely someone gonna help one in future
Love that❤❤❤

Wow nice line i love your thinking i think you r wonderful person you are right help others out of your kindness do not expect a return 😊😊because no one is seeing you don't think bad because god seeing your kindness so help all the person who need halp😊😊

help from the heart and don't expect anything in return this what everyone motto should be like :) thanks for sharing this amazing post

God will reward us for it, thanks for reading

good words, helpme with your vote ;)

I think treating others with kindness and offering help without expecting anything in return will come back to you 10 fold - ironically 😊 Because you don't think about what YOU are getting out of it and yet you are.
Also, you never know what people are going though and what a smile can do for them.

I agree with this Farwa, but sometimes its soooooo annoying to spend so much time giving value, but not getting anything in return haha ;D I kind of look at it with humor and a little reality...
But still I like your post and think it was very thoughtful of you to share it!

Decent works ensures progress.
Reach out to someone today, that's the goal

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