Do people change ?

in #life7 years ago

One of the saddest things to acknowledge is that sure individuals are simply not who they used to be, that individuals you once viewed as closest companions are presently, best case scenario, outsiders.

Alright, so the individual you thought would have been there for whatever is left of your life all of a sudden, well — isn't. What do you do now? The appropriate response may appear glaringly evident, however shockingly that isn't generally the case.

Toward the day's end, you are an individual, and it's dependent upon you to make an existence worth living.

Make sense of your needs, get another interest — do anything that shows you how to be OK without him or her.

Recognize what you need to do and what you felt committed to do.In any kind of relationship, notwithstanding if it's a private one or one of unadulterated kinship, there will dependably be bargains to be made.

The best piece of a companion separation is the sheer truth that you don't need to keep doing the sh*t you never needed to do in any case.

Throughout everyday life, the excursion is the goal, and now and then, with regards to old companions, your trips simply aren't made a beeline for a similar goal any more. Try not to tragically think you accomplished something incorrectly.


I began to consider my own life and I inspected on the off chance that I've changed after some time. I trust that I encapsulate rolled out improvements. For instance, I used to give my affectability a chance to govern me. In the event that somebody hurt my emotions it would demolish my entire day. Presently, in the event that I feel hurt by a move somebody made I am ready to recognize that inclination and afterward divert myself. Despite everything i'm chipping away at showdown, yet even that has become better after some time. In the past I felt reluctant to tell individuals how I felt, particularly on the off chance that I figured it would offend them or make them furious. Presently I understand that encounter is a piece of life and really can improve things in a companionship and even reinforce that bond. Despite everything it doesn't make it less demanding.

It is conceivable to change without going to treatment. A few people have the inner guts to change their practices utilizing different strategies. Perhaps they converse with their loved ones broadly and build up an arrangement utilizing their emotionally supportive network. Maybe they go on an adventure to India to get themselves and wind up noticeably sufficiently illuminated to change. Whatever works for you, do that.

I for one have discovered that treatment has been instrumental in helping me improve.

So what causes you change? Do you feel that change is conceivable or are individuals in a general sense their identity?


Interesting read for sure .. We all change over time in many ways

Change is constant no matter how we see it or how much we try to prevent it

I personally would not change anything I have a beautiful wife and a wonderful child I do not have too much money but I do

I'm glad to someone who doesn't change

I think it would be a lot sadder if we don't change. Life shapes us from the moment that we are born. Each person and situation that we meet along the way gives us something new. Hopefully it is change for the better as we learn new things but some people change in a bad way. I still have my same childhood friends so i like to think that we have changed and grown together rather than apart.

Well said bro
Life and things do change us by the day

Life shapes us from the moment that we are born. Each person and situation that we meet along the way gives us something new.
The bottom line here if i may say is that change is constant

I think people do change, yes. And I don't really know what works for me, yet, I don't know if I need a trip to India or to take up dancing or whatever... Also, I find it hard to listen to sense, I think I'm scared to take the changing step.

And on the other hand, I think some people don't change.

It's normal I think to be scared of changes but I think you should listen to sense more often

Yes, maybe I should...Thank you for the reply.

You are highly welcome, it's my pleasure

Perubahan pada seseorang itu tergantung pada situasi diri sendiri.
Perubahan itu bisa di akhibatkan dari pergaulan dan keadaan di sekitar.
Utakan kerjasama dan sampingkan ego, demi kebersamaan semasam tetap terjaga

Change is constant for me, I do change when necessary but most times i try to remain the same

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