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RE: If money cannot buy happiness, can you ever be truly happy without money?

in #life7 years ago

This is in its totallity a complex issue, but, the essence is in my view that Money itself cannot nor have it ever actually bought anyone happyness. Infact it functions quite oposite as due to the fact that society is made dependant on money, it directly creates oposition and lack.

So yes you can very much be alot more happy if money is not an issue / does not exist. Its actually found, when some research is done that , poor communitys that still functions is on avarage more happy then monetery rich communitys.

The only reason, to me, why money to some degree facilitates happyness in our socalled moddern society, is because its imposible for most that live within that society to get neccesitys for quality life without money. But any amount of money beond a sertain medium, results by large in less happyness.

So if a society managed to function without any concept of money, I whould argue that society whould be ALOT more happy then the avarage individual in our modern system.

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