In search of work and something more ...

in #life6 years ago (edited)



Because of the sad and lamentable situation in my country, many of us want to go out to another to "try our luck", there are those who believe that just stepping on land from another country is enough. Well I must say no, crossing the border is just the beginning of a set of changes that some expect, but others do not, or maybe some you imagined in a way and do not seem at all to what went through your mind.

In these few days that I have in Bogota, I have a lot to tell, despite what little lived so far, and that is that the hopes are, like the desire to continue working, but the adaptation to everything new is in progress.

I will share a few experiences and thoughts that until now I have been able to live in this new reality, I hope it will be of your pleasure to accompany me in this reading ...


The first thing I want to talk about is getting work in other latitudes, well, you do not always get to work on what you studied (if you have any profession), because the laws that apply in different countries, the process of revalidation , presentation of tests, among other things that you must do to be able to exercise your career, usually varies depending on the country you choose to emigrate.

In addition to this, we must take into account that all these procedures merit money to be able to carry out, and not always have the to activate with that, then it is necessary to get to work on anything to be able to collect the money that is needed, and also not spend the money you could have taken to survive a few days or weeks, at least agree, you can spend a few months to complete the paperwork and pursue your career.

Well, I mentioned that you would work on "whatever", this implies a lot of tolerance and humility, then, it is not easy for most, having a profession having to dedicate to work as a cashier, seller in a store , or as it has already touched me, to work in the area of ​​construction.

But as I think so far, and I will continue doing it, EVERY WORK MEANS.

It's not the first time I've done that type of activity, but I had time without doing it, and I'm physically tired, but the goal is to pursue my medical or nursing career. So for that reason I must fight and work, with dignity.


For now, I'm still looking for a job, it's not that easy to get, the recommendations are handled a lot, the other issue here is that there are many Venezuelans in them, looking for options, and well, there is competition, healthy, even now.

More employment opportunities have women, since they are more sought after to work in shops of all kinds, bakeries, restaurants, etc., the field of work in these cases for men is limited but the same must be insisted.

I have a job option in nursing, a little away from where I live, but if I succeed, it would be a big step, many would say that after working as a doctor in my country I will come to work as a nurse ... Well yes, it is a race as worthy as any other, I defend it as much as I do with a medical career.

Then, tomorrow will be a day to define certain things. I hope everything is positive.


Another thing I want to comment on is the weather, in this city the temperatures are very low, the cold is quite strong, especially for those of us who come from a country with a generally warm climate, like my case.

I lived up to 3 years ago in Maracay state Aragua, Venezuela, with a warmth characteristic of its sunny climate, beach condition, and then I went to live in the Tigre state of Anzoategui, also very hot, but with more wind.
Arriving in Bogota and encountering temperatures between 10 and 18 degrees Celsius, (compared to the more than 35 degrees in Maracay and the Tiger) has been a shock, something that must also be adapted.

The water in the faucets comes out cold, the bed when you go to bed is cold, the chair is the same, everything, jejejeje

But I can not deny that it is a tasty climate.

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For now I say goodbye, hoping it was your pleasure to read up to here

Until a next delivery.

We continue reading.


si te gustó. INGLESjpg.jpg


Hello!!!! josevas217 excellent article! Greetings. Thanks for write. I'll be successful, reading you, I give you my vote. and if you can support me, continue and give me your vote I will be grateful ...

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