8 Types OF Toxic People To Leave behind in July 2018.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

There are many types of people in this world. Some are good, some are bad, some fall in the grey area. Naturally, as humans, we are attracted to people who are nice, generous, loving and kind. But, the problem arises when we are attracted to people even more, who treat us bad or have disappointed us in some way.

Since in our journey of life we meet different kinds of people, of which I feel the below category people are poisonous and need to be kept away..


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  1. Snakes

Yeah let me start with snakes, They will make you believe that they are your true friends, listening to you problems like they care, but only to use them as jokes and humiliate you in front of others. They love making fun of others’ issues to gain some laughs, and popularity among others.

2. The Envious Type.

These are the people who would make you feel uncomfortable sharing any plans or details with them, because simply, they are full of envy. They are the ones who secretly want what you have and are never happy because its yours.

3. Jealous Jerks

These are fellows who are never happy with your accomplishments and envy you. Their goal in life is not to be successful, but to be just enough successful to rank a bit higher than you. Life isn’t a race, and those who find it hard to understand need to mature more.

4. Aimless people.

Aimless Life is a Living Death!, a very well said quote by a great thinker, itself lefts an instant impact to all. These kind of people have no goals, no aims thus making them a mediocre being. Trusting these people is a foolish thing that we can do. So, stay away a mile from such Aimless entities.

5. People who act like they know it all.

i repeat distance yourself from someone who thinks they are too clever to learn from others is but a fool who will not think twice to create a ruckus in the event that you dare voice an opinion different than theirs.

6. The gossiper

This person has nothing better to do with their time or energy than talk bad about other people in hopes of trying to get others to believe them.

7. Arrogant People

Arrogant people only care about themselves and very less about others.They are constantly hurting others ego by making them feel inferior. They think they are the most superior. So its better to Walk away or avoid arrogant people because avoiding them is the only cure

8. The Judge

“The judge” will filter any opinion his own way. Even if judges look for evidence, these people don’t even bother with it. It’s like they have Thor’s hammer in their hand instead of gavel.

Don’t ever take advice from this people. Not only they are horrible listeners, but they might even answer through their stuffy filter based on their personal judgment. They just have no observation over the situation. What they think it’s right is final answer for them.

How to Protect Yourself Once You Spot ’Em


Leave them out of your life, if it’s just a social connection.

If you can’t avoid them (work, school or even family), be unfailingly polite, but keep conversation to an absolute minimum, and don’t get in conversations that let the drama start. If they get nasty in a 1:1, say as little as possible, remember it’s their problem, not yours, and get out of the room ASAP.

If you have them as close partners that you cannot stay away from, then give them less attention.

Do not ever get engaged in an arguments with someone who has a negative mindset.

I REAPEAT Stay away from such people. Those who have ever hurt you or harmed you most will defiNitely have multiple of the above mentioned traits. Stay away from Energy Vampires.

Due to such experiences, I've become more of a lonewolf. I like to watch my back, myself. Being random is beautiful.


Thanks for reading


Are you a Psychologist ?

i agree with you .., nice post.

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