Just Be Yourself

in #life7 years ago



Entrepreneurship is a very broad field. Although many people claim the title of entrepreneur, the reality is that it is a unique job description that requires your own parameters in order to succeed.

If it's your life, why would you be someone different from yourself? The answer is: due to external pressures. The family, society, success and money, all these factors can take away your individuality and begin to push you further and further away from your personality.

If you feel the pressure to alter your individuality, here are some reasons to remain as you are.

It makes you brave


 It takes courage to take the reins and do your things. Courage does not mean that you do not have fear or doubts, but in spite of having them, you keep going. 

You decide how far you are going to let the expectations and desires of your life shape what you do and where you stop those pressures or at least stop paying attention and focus on your own desires.

Increase your confidence 


As long as you live authentically and let your unique approach and personality come out more and more, you will notice that something interesting happens: your confidence will grow. Facing challenges and having the courage to overcome them builds your self-sufficiency and resistance and can inevitably give you more confidence.

The more you allow yourself to be authentic, the more you will believe in yourself. It's a snowball effect that takes you to a bigger version than you were.

Build your compassion 



If you want to be yourself, you must let others being authentic too. It is easy to want freedom and individuality for yourself and also criticize and judge people who have nothing to do with your style and way of life.

How much are you pressing others to make them fit your needs and desires? Wanting something for you means wanting it for everyone. Being yourself can help you have compassion for others so you can learn to celebrate and appreciate their uniqueness.



I do believe there is a great message in you writing here. Funny how you put words to some personnel growth I accidently stumbled on. Authenticity breeds confidence leading to freedom which feels great.

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