I have no race, I have no ethnicity, I have no nationality, I am an Individual

in #life7 years ago

I am an individual human being living on the planet earth.

I have no race, I have no ethnicity, I have no nationality

People may wish to place me into these categories, but i have the free choice to see the world in terms of individuals, because things like race, ethnicity and nationality actually don't exist in reality. They are merely constructs of language and imagination that have been used historically to categorize people.

I see no reason to give preferential treatment or unearned trust to people who have arbitrary things in common with me, such as the accident of geography, or genetics, or physical appearance.

For me to connect with someone, i must connect with them as an individual. Which stock they were born from, the language they speak, their ancestral lineage and even their cultural background are of no importance to me.

This goes both ways, I do not shun those who are different, and at the same time, i do not give special treatment to those who are the same, and i do not buy into a false connection with people based on arbitrary commonalities.

Special treatment is earned by individuals who prove their merits, not according to their so called "heritage"

Please upvote, follow and resteem if you enjoyed my article and I will return the favor in the comments, even if you happen to disagree with me, I welcome and upvote all good discussion!

John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. John just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through his experience, if you wish to contribute to his medical bills consider subscribing to his podcast to support at https://www.patreon.com/johnvibes


I consider myself a humanist and cosmopolitan, and agree with your sentiments but some of the things you mention do exist in reality. "Race" is indeed a construct derived from culture and not from something real (ie. what's "asian american" in one culture is completely meaningless to the Huang culture, and what is categorized as "black" in one culture will be categorized as perhaps Kongo in another). But nationality and ethnicity are much more real things. I'm not sure pretending they don't exist is the best way to go!

anytime there is a question asking me my race I always check the "other" box and write in human being.

This is a message I preach often to our boys. Thank you Mr. Good Vibes, this is a very important topic! We're all brothers & sisters in love & light.

Excellent little piece. I'm with you on this. Fuck imaginary constructs. All of them.

Great read brother..couldn't agree more, sometimes don't even wanna know people's names. I feel like the identities given to us tend to mask who we really are, when i meet people, i wanna know who they are, what they think about things etc - from all walks of life, im a pretty open minded dude. I wanna know them personally, not who they were raised to be..if that makes sense lol. We all bleed red.

Great post, I agree completely. But still I think I should point out that seeing oneself not part of a group is easy when you feel no discrimination. If you are for example gay in a backwards place, you are reminded everyday that you don't fit in. It is easy to fall into tribalism and associate with other gays. In that sense, it is easy for me to feel as an individual because I am not part of any marginalised group in my country.

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