Things people don't consider about a teacher's life

in #life6 years ago

Metacognition in the teacher's life:


Hello steemians! I come to talk a little about my career and starting with a question, are there complications in the life of every teacher even though we choose to be one? If we choose something we should know what we get into! This is an obvious question with an obvious answer: Yep! but the majority does not investigate beyond always blaming the socio-economic system, a government music and television, parents who do not discipline their children and spoil them, the students themselves who do not have enough motivation andconstancy with which we would like to work with them, maybe it is easy to understand for the educator, because it is our job.

 If we explore the life of the student and the people who did not have the opportunity to study in an institute we realize that until student is similar to having a job, we get up very early to leave early in our house to get to a place where we perform activities that require mental and physical effort.

from time to time they evaluate and advise us while we develop different dignified faculties to exploit that hidden or obvious potential that we allow ourselves as humans, depending on the student, to rise in rank and be rewarded with a well-deserved vacation and return to develop or polish even more our mind and body.

We have a boss that establishes certain conditions that to last without penalties we must respect, it is more than evident the similarities but without being remunerated

I would like to tell you that these and many aspects that you contribute are only factors within our profession that have to be strategically battled because our passion for this career satisfies us on many occasions, whose feeling of pride and devotion is understandable only by us educators . In a way, the tools we use are not enough to create the ideal conditions in a class, regardless of the type of subject or grade, that is why the educator should like to be, the economist should like to be, the engineer, the taxi driver, the doctor, the lawyer, the barber, etc ... should like your work because as I always say, whenever you work on something, try to like it or end up in mediocrity, here our tools, all coming from our mind.

The tools that we should control:

  1. The handling of a lot of information, not to have it but to analyze it and innovate it, so that when people are explained they understand in different ways.
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  3. The patience to understand, reach and improve deficits, weaknesses and concerns of a student regardless of their mental / physical condition.
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  5. The ability to control numerous groups (this applies in different strategies because no group is equal to another and the same happens with the teacher and subject matter)
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  7. The dynamism to innovate the classes and not to make them boring or monotonous
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  9.   Diction, and fluency maintaining the order of ideas sufficiently for them to understand you knowing that you speak 
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We are human beings and we are not born with these qualities, but practice makes perfect. By innovating and adapting the teaching is as if we continue studying while working, which leads us to understand that we never finish acquiring knowledge throughout our lives and these factors apply to any career and trade if you think about it.

In fact! It is interesting to know that one of the most important objectives of Education is to train the "integral human being" that is that model of individual that represents someone balanced intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, who knows what he / she is doing trying to accept the consequences, that his / her expectations of a future are healthy and that it defends its principles and objectives with clear foundations, among other important aspects.

I wanted to show them because the problems of a teacher are trivial only when they do not think deeply (metacognition) and show that both my career and anyone´s has their own conditions in which they are complexed without thinking.

Do you have a teacher that has changed you in any way? What qualities would you like in a teacher? Comment, vote and follow me!

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