Skin care in orange peel

in #life4 years ago


Skin care in orange peel

Who does not know the nutritional value of orange? Also available during winter time. Therefore, in the winter, orange is eaten in almost every house. You will bring oranges to your home and eat them, but do not 'eat' everything. Use the khosatuku to drop the beach.

Oranges contain vitamin A, C, E, various minerals and essential oils (Essential Wells). Very effective orange peel to enhance skin brightness, reduce acne, pimples and age impression. However, the orange peel has to be used properly. Otherwise, it may be the opposite (eg, rash on the skin), said Afrin Mousumi, an Ayurvedic physician at the Herbs Ayurvedic Clinic.

Learn the rules of preserving his advice

With the grater, remove the orange peel from the top (the way the potatoes are done to make the potatoes, but with the exception of the white on the inside). Or whip out the white part on the inside. The first method is the best. Then lay the paper on it and keep it at normal temperature (in the room where the air conditioning is not working, in the kitchen) for two to three days. Stir for a while. The last day is sunshine for 5 minutes. Can be kept in glass jars for a whole year. Without preserving the rules, preservation reduces the effectiveness, which also increases the risk of adverse effects on the skin.

Pack according to skin problems

l If soaked, add one tablespoon of orange juice to three tablespoons of potato juice for 5 minutes. Then mix the egg white and one teaspoon of orange juice with a paste and make a pack. Specifically, with the light meshes, the candy is no longer darker when using this pack every day.

l For acne, mix one tablespoon of orange peel, equal mint juice and conch powder and use it for a full mouth for 3 days.

l To remove the bowel line, paste one tablespoon orange pepper paste and one tablespoon orange juice. Add the two charcoal. Full face every day.

l Every day you can use another pack from the outside. Paste one tablespoon of orange juice with an equal amount of juice (orange). Add one tablespoon of ripe banana to the paste well. A few drops of glycerin should be added to balance the mixture. Exterior pollution will make the skin dewy, dull, dull. It can be used daily if desired.

l To remove the blackheads, make a dense mixture with a teaspoon of orange pepper paste (fresh, not reserved) and even with honey. Just place it in the blackheads. When dry, lift the clockwise counterclockwise. Use seven to eight days continuously.
Aroma toner when orange peeled

Cover with half a liter of mineral water (not tap water) and six oranges in a stainless steel container (with fresh, white portions, as usual). Orange touches will continue to appear, water will continue to decrease. The mixture should be reduced to about 5 ml when the mixture is thick. You can give a transparent lid, lift the lid once and twice to understand the amount of water. You can also carry it in the bag in a bottle after it cools down. If you are tired all day, wash your face and spray it (you can remove the face by soaking it instead of spray) and apply a moisturizer. You can keep the ice cubes all year long, if you increase the amount proportionally.

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