Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned From Life

in #life6 years ago

Life is the biggest teacher every living soul can learn from, while we are young we are somehow naïve and we don’t know anything about life or what it has in store for us but as we begin to grow up we started getting to know more about life when it starts throwing challenges at us. While we are young and our brain is still very tender we don’t know basic things about the world and as soon as we start getting knowledge about this world then we start to understand what big deal this life is.

When life start getting tougher as we grow we tend to want to know more about life, sometimes we go as far as asking the elders and we sometimes run to read life lesson quotes and yet we don’t get understand until we start experiencing life our-self.

Sometimes I reminisce about my life, the challenges I have face in the past and the ones I am still likely to face. The battles I have won and I can’t help but see how far I have gone. Here are few lesson that life have thought me, that you might also learn from.

Don’t expect people to be perfect: If you expect perfection from others you are only hurting yourself, learn to understand no one is perfect and people that matters to you will hurt you just because they are not perfect and they are bound to make mistakes. Live to learn that no one is perfect that’s the best way to deal with friends and lover.

Everyone is not as kind as you are: learn to know that because you are kind you shouldn’t expect every other person to be kind to you too. Whatever you do to people do them with love and don’t expect kindness in return because people are not sometimes as good as you are and if you expect kindness from them in return and they fail you, you will be heart broken.

We learn from our mistakes: Know that you are bound to make mistakes and the sweet thing about mistakes is that you learn to know your limitations and strength. Mistakes is bound to happen as it paves your way to greater things. Making mistakes is good, as it prepares you for a bigger battle.

What you resist eventually persists: Know that what you try to resist in life don’t only persist but it also expands. Try as much as possible to avoid things that has disappear from your life.

Life itself is a lesson: Know that whatever you have to go through in life is a lesson. If its good it will give you happiness and if its bad you will learn from it. Know that there is nothing like mistake in life but a big lesson for you. Whatever you have to face in life is a lesson for you to learn from.

Forgive often: Know that people will offend you and you must learn to forgive people so as to have peaceful life, failing to forgive will also deprive you of your peace. Forgive people constantly that’s the secret to keep relationship intact.

Believe in yourself: You must learn to believe in yourself first before you expect people to believe in you, know that no one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself first. Knowing your self worth is the key to self discovery.

Your attitude toward living matters a lot: know that life is not hard, the way you see life matters, if you think life is hard to deal with then its but if you think life is easy then it is.

Change is constant: Expect change. The only constant thing in life is change, know that the people in your life will change and life itself will change as it grows. Things will expire and new things will come up. Nothing to worry about as change is very constant.

Love yourself before you expect love from others: Know that if you don’t love yourself no one can love you. Be in love with yourself as that’s the key to everlasting happiness.

Learn to deal with loneliness: Know that you are born alone, there will be a point in your life that you will experience loneliness, don’t worry that’s the period you need in order to grow and reach your peak.

Via: https://www.thriveglobal.com/stories/47215-powerful-lessons-i-ve-learned-from-life

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