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RE: How The Devil Introduced Me To God: My Journey From Atheism To Monotheism - Part One

in #life8 years ago

what you wrote is sincere but you are sincerely impetuous - if you took the time to edit this rather than compose on steemit you would have gotten a much better response. This post is undervalued because you rushed ahead - I used to do that all the time in my writing, but apart from rewards, you want to engage your audience, right? This post could have garnered a hell of lot more up-votes and I'm disappointed for you because what you're writing is raw but real


I will need some clarification on what you mean by I should have taken the time to 'edit this.' In what way?

you're intro was so long compared to the gist of your post - structure - that doesn't come spontaneously - it needs to be planned

I was under the impression you were referring to the lack of images, and made a post because of it. Now however, I feel I am even more confused.

Just because I wrote directly into the input box does not mean I did not first plan the structure of my post. I have viewed my post once again since your comment and I am very happy with the structure.

Impetuous is an awfully inaccurate word to describe my cognitive process, as I am methodical and calculating in almost all that I do.

Could you perhaps share specific problems with my structure that you feel ought to be addressed? For I don't consider a long introduction to be a structural issue at all.

No, it was just the intro :)

Ah, well. Thanks for the input, but I don't see a part of my introduction that I am willing to delete. I put a lot of thought into it, and I feel removing some would only hurt the over all piece.

It may seem lengthy in this context, but that is because there is still so much else to come. You must remember, I have only reached age 13 by the end of this post. I still have to make my way to age 29.

By the time the piece is completed, the introduction won't seem long at all.

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