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RE: The eternal heartache of a distant dad

in #life6 years ago

Bless you brother. She needs you. Trust me. I was and kind of still am in a very similar situation. I've lived through a very similar ordeal twice in my life. Once by choice and once because it was forced. But, I see you have a lot of comments here, so I'll keep it short.
This is what I saw happen in my own experience. Little girls grow up and away from their dads, then grow back together with them...closer than ever before. It broke my heart both times to watch them grow apart from me and closer to mom and family. Now, my oldest is almost twenty and has lived on her own since 17. She is manager at a restaurant and a full time college student. She has a BUSY life, but every few days I get her phone call. Always with a question for me, or even sometimes she says she forgot why she called. But I know the truth (as she does too) she just wants to hear from me and hear me say I love her. My other daughters situation is similar. But as I said, I'll keep it short.
Dear friend never doubt the bond and love that is there. A daughters love is like a flower. It may seem like an eternity, and a never ending amount of work, but when it does finally bloom it is the most beautiful thing in the world. And remember to be strong for her. Have no fears brother, you have a father's love guiding you and you are a very wise man.
Just love her, friend, above all else. And you'll do great. I send you and yours all my love. And I am and will continue to ask our Creator to guide and strengthen you during your reuniting.


Thank you John

Yet another lovely message I've received on this post, based on experiences and things you have learned in life.

Thank you for sharing some of your past, so many of us have not had it perfect, and can use this to help support others.

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