Christmas Day 2017

in #life7 years ago

Had a great meal with family, the household, on Christmas Day 2017, and I'm watching the eight hours Molyneux 2017 Christmas Spectacular video right now on Christmas Day 2017 while writing this. I'm thankful for Molyneux and for those he interviews in his videos. I've been learning a lot from him, from Cernovich, from Milo, from Info Wars, from Drudge, from Steemit, from Gab, from Veritas, from Minds, from Crowder, from Trump, from family, from friends, from people in Vietnam, from people on YouTube, from people on Twitter, from people on Facebook, from people all over the internet, online, offline, from people all around the world, from neighbors, students, enemies, friends, strangers, people I like, people I hate, from all kinds of people, from history, from myself, from reflection, and more. I'm saying this as I try my best to reflect on my life and on this year, 2017, and I'm learning to write more, to write better, to make more videos, in making logs, archives, diaries, journals, blogs, autobiographies, as the one and only Original Oatmeal, as in Joey Arnold from Oregon, and I say this in the mist of an emotional day as I've been questioning my choices, decisions, paths, priorities, that I make am making in life, especially in my move back to the USA after living for five years in Vietnam. I'm trying to make sense of it all in my head and it gives me a bit of headache all too often it seems but I am trying my best to make the most of it as I try to use whatever I got to help others each day.



Christmas Day 2017

2017-12-25 Monday 09:12 PM PST OR163:
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold


Today, in my daily rant, I have felt so bipolar at home where I am right now. I have felt especially trapped like a Batman in a Gotham, in a cave, without WIFI, without Internet, without the world wide web, at my 163 trailer park home where I sleep in what was the room of my sisters & originally of my brother. I always have a lot of crap to say as I always do and I really want to vent and complain and cry like King David and others did in Psalm, in the Bible. I do not really mean to complain and I believe it is a direction towards eventual therapy. I have so much to say and I am not too sure how to say it all and how to get it all out for the record and for everything for all the gold and marbles it may be worth and more and I write because it helps me and it helps others as well when they read it and it helps me develop and stuff so that I can become a better person which can then indirectly help me to help others even if they did not or do not read what I write or watch my videos or look at what I do and more. Either way, it helps me and others, I believe, and I will try my best to do what I do and to continue to do what I do because I like it and because it helps.




Dad told me not to wash and Robin Baker told me to wash the dishes. Shakespeare wrote about being and not being. You know that is the question, to be or not to be. My question, Christmas Day 2017, was to wash or not to wash. After eating, I sat my plate and spoon in the sink as I normally do, and I went into my room, my new room, the smallest room of the house, the middle room. As I was leaving, Robin started yelling at Don Arnold, my dad, about how bad I was, about how Joe is 34 (I'm actually 32) and about how cannot even wash the dishes. I was a dishwasher at restaurants, schools, camps, in New York, Oregon, Hawaii, and Vietnam, for over five years, since the year 2004, and now it is 2017, and I have had many jobs in life. As Robin yelled at my dad, I walked back and told Robin that dad washes in the morning as he normally does for many years now and dad tells me not to wash at night and to let him wash in the morning and I did not wash my dishes because dad always tell me not to and we all know this and Robin has been living here since 2011, the past six years so far, and Robin knows this. I told her that in just a few words and she asked me if that was my excuse for not washing my dishes. I felt like she is either purposely trying to get at me or is missing the point of my argument of what I said. Robin told me to wash the dishes. I said my dad told me not to and this is the house of my dad according to dad and according to Robin and according to Jamie Dawson and according to Denise and everybody living in this trailer including me. What dad says is law, are the rules, is how things are, one may argue, legally speaing too, perhaps.


Don't Antagonize Her


Dad told me not to antagonize her. I was trying to defend myself, explain my reasoning for why I did what I did. Dad said, and I quote, "Stop antagonizing her." After that, I looked at my father and told him I was trying to explain my reasoning. Dad said it was a simple yes or no kind of thing. Either you do it you don't. Dad said something to that affect that it was a simple matter. I saw it as an excuse to turn it into a psychological, philosophical, political, debate, argument, fight, as in a heated discussion. We didn't go into a debate. This situation happened around 5 PM and the whole conversation was about thirty words long or as in about three sentences, as in Robin said I sucked and I said that I didn't and dad told me to stop it, as in to stop antagonizing her. I said I wanted to explain myself. Dad said it is not necessary to explain yourself because that matter is too simple of a matter and not worth a discussion over. Dad basically said "You don't need to explain yourself. It's too simple of a matter. Either you do or you don't." I was walking away for the second time and then came back and washed the dishes. As I was washing, Robin complained that I was using too much water, too much soap, was washing too slow, that I was just playing in the water. After that, she went to maybe church or something for an hour or something. I was not playing. I was trying to make sure the water would stay in the sink instead of drain out. I had to make sure the plug was working. I wanted to make sure I was washing correctly in a proper way because I don't want to be accused of washing incorrectly by Robin, dad, the FDA, or others. Better safe than sorry. It is better to do things not too quickly and the right way the first time and my dad usually washes too quickly and Robin complains about how dad misses spots when he washes the dishes but Robin complains that I wash too well or that I am unwilling to cut corners because I was only washing three or so plates and bowls and some silverware, some forks, spoons, knives, and I was washing the sinks as well and everything. Robin threw in jail in 2012 for something I did not do. Robin accused me sexual harassment which I was forced by the DA to falsely plead guilty to in order to get the DA to throw out the bigger charge of interfering with a 911 call or so I was told. I have not looked up the laws and do not know if that is a law that I violated or not, specifically, but that is what I was told and I was in jail for almost a month in July 2012 and was put on a 12 months probation after that but was possibly facing at least a year in jail sentence and fines worth thousands of dollars.


Gambling With Welfare


Christmas Day 2017, awoke to dad and Jamie complaining about no income Joe while bragging about all the welfare and gambling and stuff they do. Dad accuses me of staying up all night mostly because I used to do that sometimes and because they didn't bother to check my room to see if I was up or not. And they usually complain about how I do not work or possibly have never worked (depending on how drunk they are). My dad accused my mom of not having income and of not paying for the rent, too. I was born in 1985 in Forest Grove (FG), Oregon, USA, and grew up in this house in that same city (FG) and my mom and dad were married from 1980 to 2008, that was 28 years, and my dad had affairs during those years. My dad talked today about how he never pays back his credit cards. He said he got down to about $700 USD out of a thousand one time. Almost daily, dad talks about blowing hundreds of dollars while gambling. He puts so much money in poker machines. He comes home with nothing most of the time for decades. My dad was born 1950, September 26th, in Los Angeles, CA, USA, to mother Marie or Maria Margaret Hocking or Hockings and father Peter Marinus Rasp, 1906, Amsterdam, Netherlands, and my dad was born with the name Donald Melvin Rasp, and was adopted by the Arnold family in 1952 or 1953 and dad grew up with the Mormon Arnold family in southern Oregon and he went to Crater Lake high school and the Roseburg Umpqua Community College, played callege basketball with uncle Jim Williams, and dad started drinking at an early age, started dating, having sex with women, probably in his teens, and dad was probably married to Janet and she was probably Mormon but dad stopped going to the Mormon church when he was about 20 years old or so, and dad lived his life jumping off bridges,drinking, having fun, and what have you.


To Know What One Sees


My dad mostly only sees what he has seen, what he already knows, based on what he wants to see, based on perspectives, and mostly dependent on habits, addictions. Robin said dad did drugs. I saw dad chew tobacco. I have not seen dad do drugs. Robin may do drugs. I am sad when my own dad can be blind to work I do. I still have a lot of work to do, still, if I want to make more money in the future. I am trying to up my game and everything. I want to write better and make better videos and do more things and do better things in so many ways and I really feel and desire more time and support and everything in order to get to where I am going but I feel my dad may not know that and may not get how I make money as a teacher and as a writer online via websites like Steemit and Minds and Gab and via Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks and other thing as well. I turned 32 years old back in 2017, February 11, and I am getting older each second, but I made around $2,000 USD worth of Bitcoin in 2017, this year, so far, or maybe much more money, via Bitcoin, and I bought my one plane ticket from Saigon, Vietnam, back to Portland, Oregon, USA, for Thanksgiving 2017, with some of my Bitcoin money, and I am able to do that but my family is not doing that and they tell me good luck and good job but are not hopping on the Bitcoin train similar to how many didn't hop on the Trump Train. I will try my best to continue to tell others about what I do. And Bitcoin can always fail but that does not mean you can't give it a try and take risks in life. Don't put all your money in Bitcoin, and don't put all your eggs in one basket when investing and in life in general. But life is full of risks of the actions and inactions. Don't live a life of regret.


Lovely Vietnam


I miss Vietnam and I want talk about all of the amazing people I met during my five years in Vietnam from 2012 to 2017 and I want to talk about those people and their culture and history and food and holidays and their family values that is often lacking in western civilizations and everything. I try my best to do things for many reasons and I left Vietnam (VN) for many reasons and I returned back to my hometown and home country, my motherland, for so many reasons. One of the reason I left VN was that I was feeling that Muslims are coming in as they are in Europe and that is a problem right now all over Africa, Asia, Europe, Burma (Myramar), and the Philippines. Historically, Islam, Jihad, and Sharia Law, has been behind centuries of wars, dating back to around the year 600 AD or CE, or maybe around 700 AD, as in the past 1,400 years or so. A lot of people don't really know this and some will lie to you about this stuff. But I am also concern with how big Vietnam government can be and I am not sure what might happen if I were to maybe say something that their government didn't like. But all of this is a long story and I can say more about all of this. I love people and I am always trying to make things better for people and more. So, I do not mean to hate on VN or anything.



Joey Arnold [email protected]

Dec 24 (3 days ago)

to Rick, marilyn
​I am trying not to make too many promises about what I may or may not do in life in regards to education, work, certificates, degrees, jobs, residence, where I live, what I do, what I try to do, and so on, and everything.


I am not saying I will not try to do certain things, but I do not want to make those promises and I really do not feel safe where I am living. I feel a lot of things and I am not really sure how to get to where I want to get to in my life. I really am trying each day to do what I can do to get to where I want to go, to go to the next level in life, as a media analysis, as an educator, as a historian, as an entertainer, as an encourager, pastor, doctor, and everything else, for the world. I really do need help and I really do believe in doing what I am doing each day where I am for the moment and that is what I want to do but I really am not certain what I can and cannot do and I always feel like I can be interrupted and stopped at any time and there is a lot of stress and pain and a lot of delays and technical difficulties and more.


2017-12-23 Saturday 2 PM FG Library:
Oatmeal Joey Arnold


The purpose of this email is to say nothing and something at the same time. I have more to say and it is a long story and you may not get it and the Vietnam problems that I talked about before were not and are not even resolved to say the least. You should trust me in my life.

marilyn mitchell

Dec 24 (3 days ago)

to me
you don't have to make any promises other than to try.
But, where can you live if you really aren't safe there?
We believe you need to be willing to do whatever is necessary (and good) at the time; such as work a regular job, or move to another state.
From: Joey Arnold [email protected]
To: Rick Arnold [email protected]; marilyn mitchell [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2017 2:37 PM
Subject: Promises
Joey Arnold [email protected]

2:37 AM (1 hour ago)

to marilyn, Rick
​I can work in Vietnam and that was never the problem. I have been emailing you about the details for two years. I never said that I could not make money in Vietnam. You need to think about why I am where I am. Dad thinks I had no choices. I have lots of choices. People seem to be unaware of my choices. People are blind of the choices I make. I was not even actually homeless in VN in the sense of being broke, with no money, no shelter, no job. I always had around one to twp thousand dollars with me the whole time in VN and money was not what I was talking about in the emails and everything the past two to five years in VN in videos and emails and on Facebook but dad seems to think I did not work and that I had no money in VN and that I just slept on couches of my friends in VN but I had no friends because they were all my customers because I was working and not working legally, but not illegally, and I want people to understand more at deeper levels of what I did and am trying to do.

marilyn mitchell

2:50 AM (1 hour ago)

to me
maybe your Dad has a narrow definition of "work".
Maybe people tell him that he does not work because he works "under the table"

Usually people criticize others who are better than them, to pretend to pull them down to a level with them.

I encouraged you to stay in Viet nam because you were making money there. But I was nervous about the expired Visa. That was the only problem. I waited and you did not solve it. I was patient. I knew that VietNam could be better than here, except for not finding the right person who could figure out what happened with your Visa.

Don't worry about "spilt milk". Don't worry that people chose to misunderstand your situation.
Remember Dad never stopped putting me down no matter what I did. He could not be pleased, because he chose not to. You could have a four yr degree and afford to pay rent for your own house---and he would still find a way to criticize you. That's the way it is.

The LORD decides who you are and it doesn't matter if others can't see that.
You WILL NOT win arguments with anyone who refuses to see the truth.

From: Joey Arnold [email protected]
To: marilyn mitchell [email protected]; Rick Arnold [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2017 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Promises
Joey Arnold [email protected]

4:29 AM (0 minutes ago)

to marilyn, Rick
​I think I know what happened in Vietnam.


But I am sad that people can't really tell me what happened, especially professional people, like lawyers, travel agencies, immigration, the embassy, people who are paid money to know these things by law and stuff.


Beyond that, what I am talking about is not split milk but it is symbolic of deeper issues of integrity, responsibility, accountability,​ transparency, of being direct, and so on and so forth.


I wanted people to be just as upset as they should be, like as upset as Christ in the church market turning and flipping over tables, the den of robbers.


I wanted to give people enough time to be able to let me know that they care about me and that they want me in Vietnam to do what I do but it always felt like I was not really wanted or desired at a deep enough level.



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