2017-09-29 Friday 11 AM ICT MDNH Update

in #life7 years ago

This morning, I was threatened again by YouTube with an alleged copyright claim that is protected under fair use. I'm not the only one being attacked, censored, banned, deleted, on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Google, Apple, Microsoft, corporatism, McDonald's, Starbucks, NFL, NBA, European Union (EU), UN, NATO, NAFTA, CFR, ISIS, KKK, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter (BLM), technocracy, monopolism, the New World Order (NWO), shadow governments, deep state, CIA, FBI, FDA, IRS, Sharia, Jihad, China, some rich people, some big corporations, companies, governments, secret groups, and some religions, the infiltrated Masons, maybe some Jews, but not all Jews are crazy, and the list goes on.
2017-09-29 Friday 11:37 AM ICT MD NH Q1 HCM VN JOEYARNOLDVN

That last paragraph above was my rant that says the bad people go after us good people. I want to help people understand what the fair use act is as a law that started many years ago in the USA according to Wikipedia and it allows for some use of copyrighted material if it is there for educational, historical, analytical, purposes, commentary, parody, and things related to those things and so on. It may depend on the value and the length and so on. Fair use may not protect, necessarily, commercial related things, profit related things in other words. If you are making too much money from it or if it is too long or too bad or something, then fair use may not work in those cases and exceptions. I got the email today just like I have other times in September, this month, of 2017, this year. A week ago, CBS was attacking me. The videos they attack have some copyrighted music in the background but the videos are not related to what is in the background. I was making videos at cafes and public places that play music at those places. I then get my videos flagged and my YouTube channels & other things attacked and the strikes can get me in trouble. In many cases, they remove channels that violate their alleged rules. But they are violating their own rules. I may want to explain this better. I have wrote about these things before. I made videos about these things before, too. It is a long story. Other people are talking about these things. To say the least, I think I am right. I can explain why. I can debate and I can reference laws and other things. I can show you links and videos. I have a lot to say about law and about what people can do and also what should be allowed legally and what is already legally allowed for people to do and so on. This here is my rant of the day or my second rant and it is for the record and it serves as a quick summary. I am not really explaining myself fully right now. I may not be defending my claims and everything well enough right now. I may go back and will probably try to go back to explain in more details about my life and the problems with censorships and violations and how Google was fined something like over $2 billion USD in Europe in 2017 because of the bad stuff Google does and Google owns YouTube and Facebook Leaks is starting and CNN too. And you can go to Drudge Report and News Wars and Prison Planet and Info Wars and Breitbart and Alex Jones and Stephen Crowder and Stefan Molyneux and Paul Joseph Watson and Roger Stone and not Emma Stone and you can go to Wiki Leaks and Project Veritas and you can find patriots on Steemit, Gab, Minds, Medium, Vidme, Linux, Ubuntu, copy left stuff, open source things, and there is Laura Loomer, and there is some patriots I follow on my Twitter and I challenge and dare you to follow the twenty, 20, or so people, that I follow personally on my Twitter as of right now and I may follow more in the future and my Twitter and Facebook and everything is @ JOEYARNOLDVN and you can Google or DUCK DUCK GO search my name and avatar and username and nick name ORIGINAL OATMEAL OREGON and OJAWALL L4OJ 1985 for more information and stuff.

I don't know where I want to live in the world and what I want to do and I do know at the same time but it is all a big mess because there are like ten million factors of pros and cons between locations and occupations for what I can do and which country and city I have and do and will ever live in or live for or whatever. I was born in the year 1985 and I moved to live and work teaching English to Vietnamese in the country of Vietnam in the year 2012, which was five or 5 years ago as it is 2017 this year, and I am in Saigon right now and I feel and it seems to some extent at a general level that maybe people do not want my help enough or maybe I am not discovered or known or popular enough or maybe bad alleged reputations and accusations have cursed and black balled my name and reputation to burn bridges and my brands of and as a teacher and filmmaker and comedian ad everything. I can make some money now as a teacher in Vietnam but I feel I may want to live in the USA to fight against Soros and the LEFT and to help my country return like the RETURN OF THE JEDI as Soros is the STAR WARS EMPEROR and I think about that but then worry that maybe USA will and is losing and maybe I want to run away and hide in Asia but then I think that the NWO will go all over the place and all over the world. So, therefore, I will return to the USA as soon as I can. Therefore, my plan will be to save as much money as I can and find ways to protect my money via blockchain cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum and Litecoin and others and I will try to keep paper money in different places and different wallets online and offline and on computers an thumb drives and maybe send some different people in the world and hide some and have different backups for money and for my data of my videos and what I write and my photos and I want to be prepared in case the unthinkable happens at any time and anywhere and especially at borders and so on and I feel sad that maybe I was not wanted enough in Vietnam maybe in a general way and there are exceptions as some may love me but I think it is better to return to the USA for some reasons as it is better but it is good to live anywhere in any country but better for me to live in the USA in the future and I will work on that but it will be hard because I do not know how to maybe make enough money in the USA and I will continue to rant like this and write and film and take photos an I will archive and document this stuff more and so on and I will stop typing right now for now and I am hungry too so........ please help me if you want..... but I am not begging...

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