More Doctors Smoke Camels! - Always do your own research

in #life6 years ago

Before you act on your Doctor's advice to take any drug/vaccine, please ALWAYS research for yourself. Simply because someone wears a white coat and has a nice looking college degree hanging on their wall does not automatically give them the ability to think critically or fight off persuasion from Pharma companies. Many doctors are 'lobbied' (paid) by drug companies to 'push' their drugs. "From the 1920s into the 1950s, cigarette ads featured endorsers as varied as babies, Mickey Mantle, doctors and even Santa Claus. An exhibit of these campaigns is on display at the Science, Industry and Business Library in New York and is also online"

"A recent letter in the Journal of the American Medical Association illustrates how effective drug advertising can be. It describes a patient who came into the hospital with an infected insect bite. The intern who first saw the patient first sensibly wanted to prescribe a nice, inexpensive penicillin, which is the drug of choice for a minor infection. But the resident overruled the intern and favored a more "modern" choice for this "severely" ill patient. He decided the patient had to have a brand-new antibiotic…at $183 a day.
The attending physician who supervised the house officers checked into the incident. It turned out the resident had just been wined and dined by the drug representative whose company made the new antibiotic. Think marketing doesn’t do any good? Think again."

"A Pro Publica investigation shows that many doctors are being paid by the same drug companies whose medicines they prescribe. By 2013, all doctors must report any payments from pharmaceutical companies to the federal government, and those records will be available to the public."

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