in #life6 years ago

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Someone once said that life is a stage and we are all actors that come, play our roles and go.
It turns out that we might actually be actors after all for It's basically the same circle, give birth, grow up, finish up school, get a job, get married, train your children, and the circle is repeated over and over again. So what exactly is in the life?
At a young age, it has been inculcated into us to strive towards becoming successful as we advance in life, like becoming the world's richest man, or the most powerful man, undermining the little beautiful things that life can offer.

Today, depression which used to be a rare thing is now so rampant in our society, with people barely existing and not living. No one actually cares anymore.

We all want to become someone in life, yet some of us step on others in a bid to get to the top, forgetting that we rise by lifting others up. Life itself is beautiful and fun so you don't need to have a million Dollars to be happy; still it's not a yardstick for you to be comfortable in your poverty or careless about being confortable.

We should all take life one step at a time, enjoy each moment that comes because you cannot relive it once it's gone. I remember a time when I wasn’t feeling at the top of my game, I got a call from this friend I haven't heard from in a while and that alone was uplifting. So take a moment to call someone u haven't heard from in a while or send that someone a text. Just be happy and put a smile on someone's face for you don't know who you would be saving by just the little chat you would start.

In summary it's not the big things that matter, it’s actually those little things that might be termed irrelevant that actually matters. In this modern world we have to co-exist to survive. Let's help each other and the world will be easier to live in.

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