Money corrupts our minds no matter how humble we are.

in #life6 years ago

hello friends lately I am seeing that money corrupts the human being and I have reached several conclusions. To give meaning I must assume things. Does power always corrupt? Is power the main cause? Does the question assume a cause-effect or simply opportunism?

Let's start with what we know with certainty. Corrupting is perverting or making a person or a thing morally bad.

We do not have to go too far to prove that we all corrupt ourselves every day. We do it when we decide not to exercise day after day, because attentive to my health. We do it when we decide to eat junk products like sodas, knowing that we harm our body. We do it when we prefer to be confused when we see someone in need nearby, because we are indifferent.

We own different moments and do not always make the most beneficial decisions for ourselves and the people around us.

The vast majority of people are morally opportunistic. That is, we do the right thing when it is easier and more comfortable than doing the wrong thing, such as returning an extra change that the cashier gave us after crossing the parking lot carrying 10 bags. Do you come back?

In all the everyday situations that I present there is some level of power. It is the power that gives us the ability to make a free decision about the act in question: you do it or you do not.

Then, a more accurate answer would be to say that power corrupts when it suits us, but not always.

The human being is a political being. From the moment we live in families and groups, there are policies. We all decide in favor of going on a trip or someone opposes us and we force him to go. In this case, we can give him a bribe so he is not a burden.

This is the human being. And a person who is genuinely morally correct 100% of the time is as unusual as one who is exactly the opposite.

Biology justifies it, too. Our brain prefers laziness to exercise. He prefers not to do or copy the task (thanks Wikipedia!) To go and go out to research, write and review the work.

The only way that power does not corrupt is in an environment where through education, power is used to always benefit oneself and others. Through repetition and habit, which comes thanks to a good home, is that there are people who have known how to use the power to do very good things.

Again, man is a political being because he is a social being. We come to learn that power allows us to manipulate or influence a situation. Naturally we look for that situation to favor us. Is it corrupt to do a social program that benefits many people close to the dates of the elections when it could be done before? In short, it is. It is because although ultimately it is good to be done, it is used at that time to manipulate the opinion.

who understands the transcendence of the spirit.

Image source

But it can also be used to influence. Influencing is good. Is it corrupt then, to do this knowing that the threat of the villain's victory is almost assured if we do not remind people at the last minute that we do good things for them? We know that people do not make perfectly rational decisions, and politics is a great example of that. By whom do you vote when you do not have absolute confidence that it is good, but that "it is not so bad"?

Unfortunately, as in an intriguing telenovela, it is easy to find a corrupt angle to any political activity. We all have a point of view and objectivity in human behavior is as illusory as the hope of having a Buddha of artificial intelligence

So power can corrupt. Many times it does. But everything has a reason and a point of view. Power also powers the self-destructive tendencies of the brain like a drug - seeking comfort, easy money, security, privilege and satisfying ambition. Educated people with good values ​​are needed to exert enough pressure against an individual's corruption.

small conclusion

As long as power facilitates all those self-destructive tendencies, power will always corrupt. It already depends on the person how it is done and how the power is used, whether for a greater good or only for its own good.

Thank you friend, this is all for today I hope to see you in my next publication.

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