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RE: You Can Do It!

in #life6 years ago

You don't see me posting daily, either. There are only so many hours. Real life and real work take up most of mine. And I do have personal writing projects that are not on steemit, too. Soo, If I can post a naughty little story section or a five-minute-freewrite once in a while, I consider it a victory.

Speaking of victories, congrats on yours. Be strong and keep to your treatments. Read up as much as you can about your ailment so you can walk in educated and call 'em out if something they tell you doesn't sound right.

From my own illness and recovery, I too am grateful to be alive. So I do understand.


Real life has a funny little tendency of getting in the way of all the fake stuff, doesn't it?

My body hurts. A lot. Like all the time, lol. I'm like waaay too young to be feeling all this constant pain, grrr! I'm in complete understanding on all the broken pieces there. Unfortunately, the most troublesome and disconcerting ailment is the TBI, specifically my short term memory loss. There's nothing I can do about that, much less learn, because the brain is largely unexplored and unknown territory. And every body is different. I just have to wait. Thats the 2-5 year wait I refer to. They tell me it will return, but I'm forgetting and missing out on so much it's terrifyingly depressing. But fortunately I climbed out of the dark spiral I'd allowed myself to fall into and returning to a shadow of my former daily life, lol. It's crazy, and sometimes I feel crazy!

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