The toxic friend

in #life8 years ago

Throughout life we ​​encounter many types of people, each with a particular personality, who may or may not be conditioned by the way in which he has lived each of his experiences.
There is never lacking that optimistic friend, who always sees the good side, as well as the one who is realistic and tries to think with his feet on the ground. These two types of person are joined by a third, which is called the "toxic person" which is the other end.

Many people think that after being with certain people, we feel tired, discouraged or even without energy, and not precisely because something good happened. Sometimes we surround ourselves with people who are very negative, that every comment or attitude goes with a toxic sense that does not do her good, neither she nor us as friends.
Reading a little di with people who talk about toxic people like the one who seeks to exploit, lie and disrespect others. While on other sides you are talking about a person who has a way of being somewhat negative, that can be attributed to events that this person may have lived in the past, that will lead to being as is.
Two types of toxic behavior were identified, the hurtful or aggressive, which never rejoice for anything good that happens to us, are characterized by offensive attitudes. And on the contrary we find the passives, who constantly need the help of others, seek to hurt and are friends of solitude.

While it is true these people exist, no one is free to have at least a toxic behavior. We all have at least one thought or toxic attitude over a week, the problem is when it happens to be part of us.
My advice is, we know that no one is a psychologist, but if it is within reach help these people and more if it is a friend who may be falling into these attitudes. If it is out of control, getting away is always an option, although personally I think it is the most selfish of all, take care and help this type of people.

If you want to read more about the topic in the reference I leave an interesting link and hope you like it.
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