Reason vs Emotion

in #life7 years ago

As is well known, the human being is the only animal with the capacity to reason, according to Aristotle we are the rational animal, but in addition to our ability to reason we have feelings, which can make a difference between good or bad reasoning, is why Which we will now go on to describe the reasoning and some emotions, to understand how this internal dispute occurs, between what we feel and what we think.

The reason

We can describe it as the ability of a person to solve a situation that is presented to him in his day to day life. This ability is generated through an external experience to the subject, which will result in an internal activation (brain processes) that help or lead to a production of ideas for specific purposes, resulting in reasoning.
There are different types of reasoning:
Logical reasoning is the inference that we can make through premises. This reasoning can be valid or not, everything will depend on the contribution that this has at the time of conclusion.
Non-logical or informal reasoning, is based as in the previous one, in the premises, but unlike the previous we will take into account the context and previous experience of the subject.

The emotion

Emotions were originally instinctive responses, which served to escape danger or to approach beneficial elements, over time these became increasingly complex. An emotion is an affective state that a person experiences, it is a subjective reaction to the environment that is accompanied by changes in the body, these changes will depend on the type of emotion.
In the human being the experience of an emotion involves a set of mental processes, attitudes and beliefs about the world, which are used to evaluate a situation. The same affects how the situation is perceived and even takes part in what will be the decision making in this situation.

In conclusion…
We have two types of subjects within each of us, the rational and emotional subject, there must be a balance between them, which leads us to a harmony when making a decision or performing an activity. For example, it is not the same thing for a parent to go to work and have a child in the hospital, which gives him a sense of sadness or fear. Unlike a parent and even the same father named earlier, long after his son is cured. The father's performance in the first case can be compromised by those two feelings that generate a concern in him.
There are situations in life that merit a dissociation of what we feel with what we think, often our head will tell us one thing and the heart will tell us another, it will depend on the context, as the situation occurs and previous experiences that help us Some way to make the best decision.

Daniel Goleman is an American psychologist, says in his book Emotional Intelligence "People who have adequately developed emotional skills, are often more satisfied, more effective, and more able to master the habits of mind that determine productivity. Those who, on the other hand, can not control their emotional life, are struggling in constant internal struggles that undermine their ability to work and prevent them from thinking clearly enough. "

We can say that all those people who manage to control their emotions and who know how to interpret and relate affectively with others, are more likely to not only achieve work success but enjoy all the nuances that life gives.

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An interesting meditation on balance and clarity through emotions & reason. An important reminder on harmony's gift to receiving fulfillment from one's efforts.

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