Money gives pleasure, but not happiness!

in #life7 years ago

Throughout life we tend to confuse great things and give an inappropriate course to our thoughts. One of the great debates will always be the real value of money and it represents, this is merely subjective. As I have been saying for some time we all have cultures, crianzas and way of seeing different things, so the world is so diverse and rich. But the problem is when we value things like money, a tool or a simple means to achieve goals, which in the end will have a meaning in us.

History of a Greedy

Unfortunately, I was about 5 years old or less when I understood the value of money in some way. He knew that coins or bills could be exchanged for things, things that only a child wants, because of their color, shape, or simply attract attention. When I had my first ticket, I did not understand what it meant, if by this I mean its value, I only had it in an innocent way, until in the end I knew what I had in my hands. Everyone is wondering what are you going to buy? and I just answered, nothing I'll keep. This was progressing over the years, was no longer a boy of 5 years, if not 10 and had a piggy bank full of money and a drawer full of coins. When I went out with friends, to play in the street, we went through a winery and this scene was very recurrent:

Friends: Let's buy something, what do they want?

Me: Nothing, I'm fine.

Friends: but go buy something, you have money, let's buy sweets.

Me: no, I'm fine I'm saving.

I never bought anything, everything was to have it saved, the simple fact of having more and more, without destiny to anything gave me pleasure. When I really wanted to buy something, it was an internal debate, should I buy it or not? this will leave me with less money. The others bought their things and I did not, they complained they did not have money and I did not, on the contrary I wanted more. This kind of thing matures, and you realize how insignificant the money comes to make when you save as a child for a child and in a matter of time you realize that you did not enjoy the moment.

It was years later that I started to spend this money, I started to destine things I wanted. However this does not make me feel different, the things that are achieved with it do not make us no more people, how many times we do not see a good façade and inside it is destroyed inside. Travel, food, material things, do not make a difference, although living better at some point improves us and makes us feel good, is not everything.

Some time ago I made a trip for my birthday, the same day of my birthday many gave me money, they know how much I liked and not knowing what to buy, they thought it was the best. I thought about the whole trip where I spent the money, I had nothing that I wanted and what I wanted was not enough with that amount. In return the money no longer had ... I spend it on gifts, gifts for those people who gave me that money. To my brothers buy each one a chocolate that they like, my parents a detail, just like my aunt, everyone who gives me money received something. It was more satisfying to see the face of joy and receive words of gratitude than to save that money, and wait or look to buy anything for me.


Money comes and goes, today we can have and tomorrow not, the important thing is to enjoy it and do with what is really important at that particular moment, if it gives some banal pleasure but happiness does not give it to you, it gives you the people around you, the circumstances, the achievements and the life as such, often the money can only take away the meaning to life.

We must remember that it only matters what can be achieved with it, money is worth nothing, and hence my title. Let's enjoy life, it's nice to have something to tell at the end of the day and when we do a retrospective we realize how happy we were, rather than how many numbers we can have in an account. I hope to be able to reflect and understand this moral, no matter if we have money or not, what matters is that we can do with what we have and how happy we can get to do with what we get, a hug and we are reading.

Images taken from:


Great post, thanks.
I grew up being told it was the root of all evil!
And these days when I look to find the source of something evil in the world I simply "follow the money", seems to work every time!

To me enough is enough. I'm not sure if a gold lined coffin would make me a 'winner' in the dash for cash of life. better things, worth far more IMHO

Nice reflection about money and how to live :)

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