Effort vs Talent

in #life8 years ago

When we are small, and even big a recurring question is what are we or are you good? Always looking for some skill that we possess. That's when I ask the effort we can classify it as talent, sometimes we do not consider ourselves good at something specific, but over time we can achieve it.

The effort

Effort is defined as:

"Energetic use of physical force against some impulse or resistance"
"Vigorous vigor work or mood activity to achieve something overcoming difficulties"
"Courage, vigor, courage, courage"

As we can see in the three definitions presented above, 2 of the three definitions focus on telling us what is the use of our capacities, physical or psychological, with the goal of achieving something we propose. The third definition is best seen as characteristics of this effort.

For now we are clear with the effort, it is only to use correctly what we have at our disposal, whether much, little or nothing, to meet our goals. Society sells us the wrong idea that everything is done quickly, that things rain us from the sky, that success is achieved overnight, when it is a big lie. Everything in life deserves a minimum effort, even the taste of the achievements achieved with an arduous effort is much better and usually the best.

The talent

"Intelligence (ability to understand)"
"Ability (ability to perform something)"
"Intelligent person or suitable for a certain occupation"

Well here we can see 2 concepts that have a context, one of them speaks of talent with respect to an intellectual capacity, the other from an aptitudinal aspect referring to how apt we are at the time of performing in something. While the last concept combines us first.

Here begins the truly interesting, we all have a friend or know someone who has some innate ability, some musician, player, writer, among others. It is true there are people who instinctively have certain abilities to develop in a good way in some activity. From the talent, two subtypes emerge, I explain that innate talent that we know someone, that we never saw it practice or simply develop it, and which other relatives have, it is known as inherited talent. Usually this talent is maintained over time, to a greater or lesser degree, it remains there.

While the talent that appears by merit of an "effort", exercising again and again an action the objective of improving our abilities in some aspect and that leads us to be good in something, is known as acquired talent and this according to the Consulted bibliography may disappear in time if not exercised.

In conclusion…

Here we are already aware, that talent is good and that it is good to be good at something, but if we are not, nothing happens. The effort is the true talent that we can each have, and it is our part to use this effort in our lives to achieve our tasks. For example, when I was little I started playing football, for the simple fact that I liked it a lot and enjoyed playing it. I was the typical boy who had the desire, but not the "talent", if he was the one who chose the last. The years passed, I worked every day, I bought a very small ball to play in my room, every free time I went out to play games with the ball and also jogged in a field near my house.
So much effort paid its fruits, little by little I saw as my performance improved, I had left the team, but that did not stop me and I continued playing with the simple aim of playing well and having fun every time we played. Already they chose me first and not only that, in the street I was looking for to play tournaments on the courts.

What I mean by all this, we must not always stop at what we are good or if we have a talent for something or not, the value of effort is even more important than talent, that we must inculcate it every day to future generations. I say it as an experience, success will always be proportional to the effort and commitment that we put to what we want. Hence a phrase that I have in my profile, which if I am not mistaken is an American basketball coach who says:

"The effort overcomes the talent, when the talent does not strive"

So ... when they ask you what are you good for? It is not crazy to answer to try.

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