Popular legend the moon of the East

in #life8 years ago

Fuente: https://www.paraloscuriosos.com/a4614/podrian-ser-estas-fotografias-la-prueba-de-la-existencia-de-algo-que-creiamos-ilusorio-increible

Long ago but long ago, in the land of the Far East the sky had ten suns, when they did not agree and all came out, it was impossible to live, the heat burned everything that found in its path, destroyed vegetation, animals and humans More vulnerable.

A brave warrior named Hou Yi, he had an incredible strength, he possessed a great bow and arrow, with which he defended his nation, seeing as children and old men suffered from the intense heat, climbed the mountain of Kunlun, took his bow and charge with arrows And to one was killing the remaining nine suns, to the survivor sun assigned a schedule of departure and entry to benefit humans, this was how the brave warrior Hou Yi earned the respect and love of his people.

A beautiful woman named Chang E, fell madly in love with the brave Hou Yi warrior, the couple felt very good and happy, finally married into a beautiful family.

The warrior abandoned the battles to put a target shooting school with arrows, now the warrior was dedicated to teach, hunt and accompany his beautiful wife.

Among the disciples of Hou Yi there was a man named Peng Meng, this man was not well seen in the village for being a bad person, but Hou Yi this did not know and very confident had him in his nearest group.
One morning Hou Yi decided to visit some friends in the Kunlun Mountain and agreed with the goddess Wang Mu, this time I took the opportunity to honor his courage before the suns delivering a pill, if he took it would achieve eternal youth, would be a divine being and It would ascend to the heavens.

The warrior took the pill with his hands and kept them, did not want to be a divine being and ascend to the skies without the company of his beloved wife, when he arrived at his home gave the pill to his beloved to take care of her, without comment With his wife the magical effects of the pill.
Peng Meng who learned of the existence of the magic pill and seeing that Chang E was the one who kept the pill, decided to think a plan to steal and become immortal.

Peng Meng hoping that Hou Yi went out to hunt with his disciples, pretended a disease did not attend the hunt and stayed, I take advantage of the absence of Hou Yi came to his house and forced to E to deliver the pill, the young woman knowing that no Could fight with this bad person, without knowing its effects decided to swallow the pill not to deliver to Peng Meng.

At the same instant the body of Chang E took a heavenly form and rose to heaven.

Chang E very concerned about her beloved husband, decided to pose on the moon to be closer to his beloved Hou Yi.

When Hou Yi returned home he was informed of all that had happened, listening to the news in anger and went to look for Peng Meng, but the very coward had fled, very angry without being able to avenge his wife back home , Screaming desperately the name of his beloved wife looking at the sky.

At nightfall he could see the moon very different, shone more usual, in the middle discovered a figure very similar to Chang E, desperate began to shout the name of his beloved wife, ran and ran behind the moon with the intention of Reach it with the hand, but the more the moon ran, the farther it went, the more effort it made, it could not reach it.

As I could do nothing to change or remedy things, Hou Yi placed in his garden a large table, where he deposited the fruits and the favorite foods of Chang E, so that in the absence of humans he can go down to enjoy his favorite foods, this Was the way to express his love for the beautiful young immortal.

Fuente: http://galaastral.blogspot.com.ar/2015/07/hoy-31-de-julio-mistica-luna-azul.html

Soon the information flowed into the village, seeing the people Chang E had become immortal, venerated her, putting offerings in their gardens, they asked for peace and prosperity for the people.

This was how it became very popular in the Orient, the customs of worshiping the moon.

Fuente: http://piruja56.blogspot.com.ar/2015/10/fiesta-del-medio-otono-leyenda.html

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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