Legend of my Guaraní ancestors the color of the Sparrow

in #life8 years ago

Fuente: http://rede.novaescolaclube.org.br/planos-de-aula/caracteristicas-das-aves-e-especies-invasoras

Long ago in the land without evil of the Guarani, there was a forest full of birds of all colors and species.

They tell the anxieties of the place that at that time the sparrow was not known in these lands, when I reached the jungle caught the attention of other birds, because of their variety of colors of the rainbow, could only compete with hummingbirds.

As he is a very restless bird, at all times he was seen in different places, very curious, he got into every corner of the jungle, the evil sparrow moved the birds from their own places, the rogue was in charge of stealing meals To other species, a very mischievous bird, spent all day doing mischief.

In these territories of northwestern Argentina the kingdom of the birds was governed by the eagle, the antics of the sparrow was such that the rest of the birds asked the eagle for a meeting of birds, in the meeting would be treated the permanence or expulsion of the sparrow of the Missionary jungle

The meeting began the day and hour as planned, one by one they were passing to the dais, the birds made their disclaimers regarding the behavior of the sparrow.

Some commented that the sparrow cast them from where they lived, others who were snatched their meals, others were expelled from their homes, the one who put the cry in the sky was the swallow, a tale that when he returned from his journey around the world he found his home Occupied by the sparrow.

Many of the birds complained of different attitudes of the sparrow, but the audience was divided, many went in favor of the sparrow, a bird emphasized the quality of the sparrow being very useful for the activity of the farmer, for the ability to hunt the insects that attack Against sowing.

Others said that they were very venerated and beloved birds in Spain, the inhabitants placed baskets outside their houses so that the sparrows could nest in these baskets.

At the assembly it was not possible to determine a decision, because the vote was 50% by itself and 50% by no, so the eagle determined that they think about it for the next meeting that would be carried out in ten days, to continue the Tie the serious eagle who defines the situation.

As planned the ten days had passed, at the beginning of the meeting there was much more pressure to expel the sparrow from the missionary jungle, everything seemed to be more who wanted the sparrow to leave the jungle.

In the middle of the great noise was heard a voice that said.

Not only for what I do for the farmer, I will defend the sparrow! I want to emphasize your determination and courage!

I have to tell that this brave sparrow save the life of a pigeon of another species, one day a hunter hunted with his dog, the wind was blowing hard and he threw the nestling pigeon on the ground, the dog ran to bite the pigeon but could not , The brave sparrow was interposed and saved the life of the pigeon, non-discriminating that was not of its kind.

Only the courage of a sparrow can accomplish these things, said the defender

For some moments the room was silent, but again began the protests of the birds that wanted to expel the sparrow.

Seconds before the eagle made a decision, the hummingbird appeared quickly flying, Please, Mr. Eagle, before making a decision, I ask you to listen to me!

All right, go to the podium and tell us what you have to say!

It's only a minute, sir, eagle! What I have to say is not much, but it is very important so that I can make a determination, everyone listened very attentive words of hummingbird, this bird was very respected by all birds for being a very correct bird and was always right.

As all present can see, I possess the most beautiful colors of the animal kingdom, this is thanks to the brave sparrow.

A loud murmur was heard in the room.

As I said this beautiful color I have thanks to the sparrow, he saved me from losing these beautiful colors, if the present remembers remember, when the sparrow came had all the colors of the rainbow, not as now this faded brown color that possesses.

You, sir, eagle, we all know that the sparrow is very restless, that allowed to hear the God of evil, an idea that had to fade my beautiful feathers, saw a liquid in the pond to fade my feathers.

Moments before I immerse myself in the lagoon the sparrow was before and I comment on the evil idea, as it is to make jokes I did not want to believe it, but to prove that I did not lie dived in the waters of the lagoon, losing its beautiful shine and remaining As we can see, so in that way except my beautiful colors, harming theirs, leaving the color brown all faded.

Now that you know my story you can make a decision.
All the birds of the forest voted for the sparrow to remain in the missionary jungle.

Fuente: http://www.luisfernandoecheverri.com/Obra_Detalle.php?ID_PINTURA=250

Fuente: http://piruja56.blogspot.com.ar/2015/04/leyenda-del-gorrion.html

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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Interesting story!

If it is true, it is a beautiful story of my payments.
Thank you very much sir @timcliff for your nice visit

Exchellent work :))

Thank you very much dear friend @ djsonic

Nice images and interesting story! :)

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