
HAH HAH!!! I have totally had customers like that as well on the landscaping side of life. Granted I only ever had to deal with 440 on pumps so I didn't need all the HV gear.

It’s like they don’t understand that I don’t want to be a contortionist while I am messing around with electricity. I kind of got weirded out a bit when she looked in my eyes 😳😳

Well I for one think you trimmed her bush nicely 👍

Is it my mind or yours that is dirty

Ha, umm ok... I'll take half the blame on this one.

I always plant thorn bushes and poison ivy around them thangs :p.

You should get baid for that excellent trim :D.

That is my favorite because I laseo a rope around them and yank them out with my truck. Ha ha ha
They rescheduled so we will see what she says when I see her next😳😳

I have to say that those green boxes look like shit and they are noisy. My neighbor placed a beautiful portable little fence around the one besides his house and one day the fence got destroyed by the electric geek. The trees around it I do understand but the little fence? time to take three minutes and open it. The sad part was that this electric geek did his job so fast that he forgot to put the cover back and left. Good thing no one got hurt.

Ya that’s pretty disrespectful, we work with people pretty well when it comes to this. If it’s that noisy then there is some sort of problem. Unless it is a really big transformer. The bigger they are the louder they are all in the name of having the luxury of electricity. 😉
Most likely that wasn’t a transformer he was working on either, but I can’t be 100% sure

hey, thanks for the fast reply, the weir thing is now, I have a few down my block and they are fucking hummining a laud , to the pitch the ears cry, shit man I don't know what to say, but those green boxes are crap and noisy . The more you try not to listen the more my crazy mind concentrates to the electromagnectic sink.

I honestly have never heard a transformer hum that loud where it hurts the ears. And I have been around thousands and thousands of them. Take a photo of what is making that awful noise I’m curious.

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