in #life7 years ago (edited)

My heart goes out to this devotee of the Lord... he has sent a very descriptive photo of the condition of the entangled conditioned soul.



My response: I know the feeling. Just awful if it is maya (illusion) that is pulling the strings.

A severe case of "Maya's puppet" that is now finally winding down by the mercy of guru and Krishna has left me with a realization. What makes me jump and act against my will is my having to play different parts to suit others. This is where the stress and anxiety comes from.

I am very happy having no material part to play at all. Sitting at the feet of Srila Vyasadeva's representative and hearing unlimitedly about the glories of Sri Krishna in His unlimited pastimes and activities, His unlimited forms and appearances... His pure devotees...


But then there is a material situation and I am required to deal with it. Money issues, health issues, family issues, residence issues, etc...And I have to play a part. Bank account holder, patient and doctor, child or parent, home owner or relocating.

Thankfully these disturbances come and go. When they are backed off I take full advantage of the breathing space to run to Srila Vyasadeva's pure representative and cling to His feet. hearing hearing hearing chanting chanting chanting.

There is no material solution. Hare Krishna

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