This Is The Man Who Invented Blue Whale Challenge

in #life7 years ago


You’ve probably heard of the Blue Whale Challenge by now. We recently covered an incident wherein the Blue Whale Challenge had somehow made its way to India and took away a 14 year old boy’s life.

This game emerged on social media way back in 2013. The game got its name from one of the first disturbing challenges of the game, where players were asked to draw a blue whale on a piece of paper, and then told to carve the whale onto their body.

The game’s administrators would seek out impressionable teens through the internet, and subject them to daily challenges for 50 days.

Sounds terrible, isn’t it? Well you can rest easy as this game’s creator has been apprehended.

Philipp Budeikin has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for encouraging and manipulating 17 young people to kill themselves, while there are more than 130 deaths in Russia and Europe due to this game.
There have also been at least two other arrests linked to this game, where other ‘curators’ would incite young people to play the game and eventually commit suicide.

The challenges starts off harmless, with tasks like waking up in the middle of the the night to watch psychedelic and horror videos, But as the days progressed, the tasks get darker and darker involving things such as cutting one’s wrists and hands.
They must record or document every task they complete, as proof to the curators that they have completed the task.

At the end of this challenge, the victims are given task to kill themselves. At any point if a player tries to back out or quit, the curators threaten to get the player or their families killed.

The administrators have all sorts of information about the players and their families as well. The curators get a hold of this information because this game isn’t on our app stores, but the curators seek out victims and offer them to take part.

With the alleged creator in jail, we finally have some insights onto why he’s done all this.
Budeikin, during an interview back in May, when asked if he was deliberately inciting young teenagers to commit suicide, said,

Yes, I truly was doing that. Don’t worry, you’ll understand everything. Everyone will understand.
Budeikin claimed that he gave those people “warmth”, “understanding” and “contact” and that the kids who committed suicide because of him “died happily”.

There are people – and there is biological waste. Those who do not represent any value for society. Who cause or will cause only harm to society. I was cleaning our society of such people.
Budeikin said during an interview with Saint Petersburg News. He said others had communicated with him and committed suicide later, but without any direct influence from him.

Chillingly, he said that there were 28 more people ready to take their lives.

Another disturbing fact is that Budeikin received love letters in jail after his arrest from teenage girls that were under his influence.

At some point, it is necessary to push the teenager not to sleep at night. [In this way, their] psyche becomes more susceptible to influence.
He said, explaining his tactics of manipulation.

Budeikin studied sound engineering and psychology for three years until he was expelled. He has confessed that his mother and older brother hit him while he was growing up. He also stated that he is bipolar.


Ha, I saw this and assumed that the Blue Whale Challenge was a challenge on Steemit...definitely not!

It's crazy what people will do in the name of a challenge...Darwinian, maybe?

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