How intermittent fasting almost killed me.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Ok so maybe I’m crazy but when I gained weight after I purchased a fitbit charge II, and used it for three months, I finally gave up. Is it wrong to like food? Ok, I love food. Maybe it’s an obsession. But I have tried every diet, counted calories till the frikkin things started hiding from me and exercised in fits and starts; but to no avail. I’ve started to measure my weight gain in people. Right now I’m four Ariana Grandes over weight. Four is an easier number to deal with than say 100 pounds. I like fours. Right about New Year's Day, I decided to join the gym. Until you join a gym, you don't fully understand the trauma you are in for.

Right off the bat, gym member ships are written in blood. You know there is a portal to hell somewhere in the sauna room. Just sayin’. Gym machines are modern torture devices with which we voluntarily punish ourselves for the sins of Twinkies and Devil’s food cake. I often think they could put in a confessional booth and be done with the damned thing. Forgive me Father, I have sinned three times today. Once with an Egg McMuffin and twice with Ben and Jerry. It could work.

So one day I stumbled across intermittent fasting on my YouTube feed.
Starve the man said. Don’t eat, you’ll loose weight. I thought about that for a bit. Maybe he was on to something. I’d never tried starving. I tried being celibate once. Worst five minutes of my life. But starving? Never tried it. Then I got to thinking about the hormonal implications. When you don’t eat, you don’t release insulin. Insulin is a nice hormone that allows us to store starches/sugars as fat but in today’s world, we have too many sugars, too many processed foods, fast foods, meals ready to eat, slurpies, smoothies, fried chicken fingers and alligator bites. We eat all day, insulin is produced all day and we push our bodies into fat storage mode. Viola. Love handles, muffin tops and moobs. You know, man boobs. Never a pretty sight. Hairy boobs ugh.

Fast, the nice doctor said. When you fast, you don't produce insulin. No insulin, no fat. You actually use up the fat you stored. The doctor looked so genuine and pleasant, I decided on the spot to try it. Go slow he said, when you are fasting.

Go slow and fast.

Right. Slow and Fast. Start by skipping the snacks between meals. Check. Did that on Monday. Then skip a meal. Check. Tuesday’s done. I skipped breakfast. By 9.00 a.m. On Tuesday, I felt like gnawing the corners of my desk. I looked longingly at the refrigerator. I had a nice sandwich in there. I made it for emergencies. At 10.00, I had a full blown emergency. My nose twitched at every food like smell in the building. Someone made coffee. I detected the heavenly smell at 1000 paces. A microwave opened, I smelt a hot pocket. Nirvana. I rejoiced. I felt like Jack Nicholson in ‘Wolfman.’ My senses were now razor sharp, I knew the smell of every lunch bag and food container for two square miles. If I could only avoid the farts. Well, that’s another story.

I survived Tuesday with fervent prayer, long bouts of sweating and panicked looks. My co-workers muttered something about methamphetamine, but I didn’t care. I was fasting.

Tune in tomorrow, I’ll fill you in on what happened on Wednesday. At least if you’re interested. I survived Tuesday but Wednesday was a whole new ballgame.
Remember to give me an upvote and I would love a follow. Stalk me. I like it!
With love and hugs.
Just btw, I'm not a medical doctor and this post is not intended to give medical advice.I'm just relating what I'm doing to myself for my own entertainment. Seek medical advice for weight loss.


haha best of luck :) try water fasting. :D that story cracks me up tho :) somebody said something about meth :D I was fasting :D so yeah there was a story abut guy that fasted for 3 months, he had a lot of stored energy :)

Ha ha this sounds funny! However, any doctor who advises someone to skip breakfast is definitely a con man, or maybe even better - a doc looking for more patients :D

Wellllll... I'm a health professional. (Not a doctor). Been watching health related things for years and I'm now a skeptic when it comes to 'traditional' knowledge. I've gone gluten free for 6 months. My blood panel was never better. Every parameter was spot on perfect. The idea behind gluten free diets is that gluten is a modern neurological toxin. But ultimately gluten is in everything and very difficult to avoid. I gave it up, but not without believing there is some truth to it.

Intermittent fasting checks all my boxes.

Insulin and fat storage was a survival mechanism for our ancestors. We ate during fall and stored fat for the winter. The survival mechanism is now corrupted since we live in eternal fall and eat and store too much fat continuously. If I could blunt the insulin response to fat storage, it might be worth a try. I'm giving it 6 months to see how my body responds. I did a baseline blood panel and I will compare before and after.

One thing I have already noticed. My taste for salt is way amped up. After four days of fasting, everything tastes too salty. I've had to dump fast food because it's actually bitter with salt. Amazing. After four days of being off sugar, my appetite is actually in the background now. I'm hungry (almost always) but in the background. I can function, I can work, I'm actually more alert too. It sounds very strange. Maybe I'm imagining it, but I don't feel bad at all. Little hungry right now. But not off the wall ravenous. I can wait.

:) wait until you start tasting real homegrown food, if you can find any, you'd starve before you eat fast food again and you are right almost everything has both salt and sugar inside, for some extra taste :)

Ok. Guess you are in command then. But do watch that feel-good factor. It might very well be your primal instincts kicking on when you live in bare essentials. Good luck

Grinning. I feel good (singing James Brown) na na na na na.

You are wrong, please learn more about how good is not having breakfast, but it has to be done the right way:

I heavily support what you're doing. Yeah, when your first coming off the sugar train bread counts the cravings come frequently and hard.

Start your days with some eggs cooked in butter or bacon fat. They're tasty and will last you well. If you aren't down with low carb, cook some previously baked potatoes in the fat and have those too.

Great advice, I'm just getting into the intermittent fast. I've always experimented with myself. Tried all sorts of diets. I'm understanding that higher fat meals push the hunger back some, and I'm also thinking about a handful of nuts during the eating window.
Have you done the IMF? I'm wondering how long I can keep it up....

Once I did it for a week it became easier for me. Fasting for a day becomes second nature and you don't even consider it an inconvenience. I've been practicing it with irregularity for several years now.

I'm tuning in tomorrow.

Enjoyed reading your words. "Worst five minutes of my life." You slay me!

Following and upvoted.

Right back atcha. Grinning. I write about all kinds of stuff. Poke around. See if you like any of the short stories. I will update tomorrow.

You are not doing intermittent fasting correctly. If done correctly you should not have any hunger. Please read and learn more before continuing with intermittent fasting. When done properly you will feel full of energy, very happy, strong and not hungry. An easy way to start intermmitent fasting is to be without eating at least 12h. It is very easy if you skip breakfast. For more advanced you can also skip lunch. Obviously snacks are out of the question. I recommend doing also a Keto plan, that is without any sugars or carbohydrates. Take into account that you should eat the calories that your body needs and that you should exercise also.

You can know a bit more about skipping breakfast here:

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