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RE: Why I Teach #Philosophy?

in #lifelast year

YBAÑEZ: Why I study Philosophy?

By studying philosophy, we will gain the ability to think deeply and critically about a problem, to develop an argument in oral and written form systematically and
critically, to communicate effectively - talk about ideas, and to think logically in dealing with life and unexpected problems. In philosophy, we can see all problems from all edges, which teaches us to think critically and logically, as well as not to dismiss other people's opinions, especially when they are illegitimate. There are numerous media outlets these days that promote fake news that can harm others. We can be influenced by others if we do not think critically and logically.
The life values you gain from studying philosophy will serve you well throughout your life. Philosophy is universal in that it is constantly destroying, questioning, and renewing itself.


MONTERONA: Why should I study philosophy? From my vantage point, studying philosophy is comparable to studying history in that both disciplines enable us to understand how past events have shaped the world we live in today. Understanding who we are and how we got here is made possible by learning from the past. However, some people are obstinately forgetful. So, they do not always learn from the past. In addition to how to steer society in healthier directions and avoid future mistakes. Philosophy is essential of identifying perception from reality.

SUAREZ: Why should I study philosophy?

By studying philosophy, I would have the skills to enhance my current abilities and skills to evaluate and resolve every problem that is critical in mind and in the body. It can help me analyze two times faster than my current mindset as of now. It teaches us critical thinking, and the very most important of all is the logical analysis. Philosophy can help me grow wiser and stronger in mind and in body. So, for me, philosophy is very necessary to study.

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