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RE: How To Roast Coffee Beans At Home For That Perfect Cup

in #life7 years ago

SO HERR REID ,TELL US HOW YOU CAN BE SUPRISED THAT A NEIGHBOR TOLD YOU IT SNOWS ALL WINTER IN michigan , but yet you have ststed before in your videos that you grew up in michigan .......... how is this so ???


Well, as you know, the further you drive up north, the more snow you get. Its a different world for me here now. Never came up much in winter. Could not drive the roads. They dont plow much here.

Seems everywhere you live you seem to have your own climate system.

Well, it is funny you say that. Yes, when you move, there is alway a new climate.

@thediyworld Why do you have to be so obtuse? It’s just one of many reasons why most people can’t stand you. The constant lying doesn’t help much either.

And if you did not like me, leaving would be the best solution.

Harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

doesn't sound like a climate for a off grid homesteader. You claim you can't do anything when snow is on the ground- even gave up brushing snow off your solar panels. The electric and propane bills to heat that shack must be outrageous and you can't have a winter garden- something a homesteader relies on for food. Soil is sand that doesn't hold moisture or nutrients but you chose that place in a depressed area of Michigan thinking it would be a great place to what???? Doesn't sound like a place anybody would want to live.

I dont see the problem with my answer. The problem is that you guys cannot understand that the climate can vary based on elevation, location and nearby bodies of water.

Or the fact that its all sand here which does not hold the heat of the day. At night it gets colder here fast.

Its just common sense weather stuff.

doesn't sound like a climate for a off grid homesteader. You claim you can't do anything when snow is on the ground- even gave up brushing snow off your solar panels. The electric and propane bills to heat that shack must be outrageous and you can't have a winter garden- something a homesteader relies on for food. Soil is sand that doesn't hold moisture or nutrients but you chose that place in a depressed area of Michigan thinking it would be a great place to what???? Doesn't sound like a place anybody would want to live.

no troy he didn't say you always have a new climate when you move... he said you always seem to have a different climate than every around you such as your neighbors no matter where you are... your problems start with your lack of comprehension skills... now why is it michigan is a different world to you when you regularly claim you grew up there???

Doc steemit has this glitch that only happens on troy's channel. He would not want his viewers to miss out on your comment so here it is once more.fixedbydoc (54) · 20 hours ago
no troy he didn't say you always have a new climate when you move... he said you always seem to have a different climate than every around you such as your neighbors no matter where you are... your problems start with your lack of comprehension skills... now why is it michigan is a different world to you when you regularly claim you grew up there???

Or, do you mean driven out because of so much constant harassment?

Yes, certainly that is what you meant.

People were coming out to our land 2 to 3 nights a week harassing us.

Melanie was terrified to go outside anymore.

Yeah, you are a big boy now huh?

Drove us off. I bet you feel good about yourself.

With a pregnant wife I had to move out.

you make money with all your camera equipment but not once in the 2 or 3 times a week people trespassed on the dumpsite did you get film footage of it. You filmed every little tiny boring thing you did but something that was fixing to cause you to leave what you worked so hard for you couldn't get anything on video????? Who is that stupid that they even think someone would believe them? YOU


The cabin is different that my parents place. This area is different from where I lived in the past.

How hard is that for you guys to comprehend?

Just leave my blog and go play on your own.

I appreciate the offer to leave your blog but I am no quitter, I will stick it out here for you. So many really good off grid homesteader sites and then there is yours- useless information you make up in your delusional mind and swear its all true. Watch any of the other homesteaders and learn some things to improve your site. It could only improve.

Remaining here and harassing us in the real world and online is criminal

I have the video inviting me here. We are now a team. You make the videos and I help with the comments. My job is harder than yours so upvote my comments to make me some real money. Our channel will grow with leaps and bounds once people come to steemit and I explain away all the mistakes you make in every video.

as a world traveler- your words, you are not familiar with the state you grew up in? No one ever mentioned the severe winters further north? No weather reports on tv of northern Michigan? Something so basic as knowing your home state and you fail miserably at it.

You guys would deny if I said the sky was blue.

You guys would have a fit and scream I did it wrong if I helped an old lady cross the road.

Your constant harassment of myself and my family online and in the real world is criminal.

My problem with you and an old lady is you might try to move onto her land and turn it into a huge waste site without the proper permits and when she evicts you she will have to pay a ton of money to clean it up. I hope you stay away from little old ladies- there are laws against elder abuse.

as far as helping that old lady across the street goes, we figure youd hit her up for 5 bucks once she was across. in the first place you dont help anyone but yourself anyway so its a moot point.

let's face it, trog could live on a tropical island and complain about the sand, salt water, damn fish everywhere, sun, wind, palm trees, rain, heat, well you know- everything we all deal with on a regular basis and don't complain. He wants the sympathy donations

Troy is what the "boy who cried wolf" grew up to be

@bigjeff.......... yet he professes to have grown up in michigan ????? if that is so then why is it a different world to him ???? why would he have to ... come up in winter ....... if he grew up there .

I cannot believe you are so bull headed as to not understand that the further North you go, the harsher the climate. Therefore it is unfamiliar weather to us here.

bull headed is a man wanting to be self sufficient on his own land and buying property in another area (NY was harsh- remember) and not check out the conditions and see if they fit your homesteading intention. Sitting in your house in those long Michigan winters does not look conducive to being self sufficient with a family. Just the heating bills should have been a clue. Did you go to school?

remember trog fancies himself as a world traveler(remember the news article about the sad little American prepper in Austrailia?) But he had no idea a few miles north of where he was hatched is snows a lot. Mind blowing

@troyreidlies ............. you mean this one ????? Here is the entire article form the UK NEWSPAPER THE DAILY MAIL ...............

A defeated New Yorker has shared his anguish at trying to become a 'survival expert' in the middle of a scorching Australian summer.
In the eight minute clip, a sunburned and sweating Troy Reid, who describes himself as an 'off the grid survival expert', describes his battles with the Australian summer.
The candid clips were filmed on a property in northern New South Wales in December 2013, during the state's hottest summer on record.

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that's a load of BS troy. michigan has one of the highest budgets for snow removal and they do the best and most frequent snow removal than any other state. i used to live in michigan for 9yrs so i should know. also you said you "grew up" in michigan meaning you lived there year round. but here you are claiming you never went there much in the winter. so which is it troy? did you grow up there or did you only visit in summer time? which version of your stories is the lie troy reid @thediyworld ? ? ?

The cabin dimwit

@8:45 in your latest video: "I've got to get some wires in here and start running some D.C. power in the house today and start burning some of that energy, 'cause I've got, ahh, 270 watts of power out there and I'm not even touching it now."
"That's good news now to finally have those batteries topped off now."

More evidence that you’re not 95% off grid or even close to that. You’ve been lying again! You’re also burning propane, that woodstove is either not being used or is ineffective. Burning wood doesn’t result in thick ice deposits on the inside of a window.

HUGE difference between AC and DC power. But what should I expect from a common troll.

All you do is twist things around. I should not expect better. My bad.

your words- "we are 95% off grid and soon to be fully off grid. How can we have twisted that statement you said many times and most of your previous videos you started out in your blog saying the same thing. Now you don't say it or write it. Looks like the lying is smacking you in the face and paycheck.

I have been using AC solar power for many months now. I have not had DC solar power connected to the tiny house yet.

That is quite clear from my videos.

remember on the first dumpsite you filmed each day showing the power coming in and every time you powered up something new? Hasn't happened since you moved except for the sheds which don't count since you don't live in them. My other homestead sites show how all this is done regularly but your new excuse is you took everything down to redo it. Not a shred of truth to that. Just more deception and lies. You own your words and now you have to live with them. Sad to be you

And boy you have a lot to learn about cold and warm air meeting.

I dont know where you get that windows cannot freeze with a wood stove.

Strange idea you have.

But then you just twist everything anyway.

”All you do is twist things around.“
Lol, you’re the king of twisting things. You’re caught up in so many twists of lies you don’t know whether you’re coming or going.

wood stoves have to be hooked up and vented before you can use them. The fact yours is sitting in a corner with no chimney hints at the fact you don't heat with wood and use electric heat and propane heat. Not off grid by any stretch of the imagination. Actually means you are a deceptive liar.

Damn steemit glitch again. Here is Doc's commentfixedbydoc (54) · 20 hours ago
that's a load of BS troy. michigan has one of the highest budgets for snow removal and they do the best and most frequent snow removal than any other state. i used to live in michigan for 9yrs so i should know. also you said you "grew up" in michigan meaning you lived there year round. but here you are claiming you never went there much in the winter. so which is it troy? did you grow up there or did you only visit in summer time? which version of your stories is the lie troy reid @thediyworld ? ? ?

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