Get busy each time you're alone at home

in #life6 years ago


Finally your prayer has been answered, your parents just embarked on a long long journey for probably a week or two, and they left you all alone at home. Nevertheless, this could be an opportunity for you to spend time with yourself like never before.

Spending time with yourself is one of the best thing you can do to yourself. You'll have everywhere to yourself, nobody to give you orders, you could absolutely be yourself, laugh at yourself, play with yourself and indulge in all the funny things that you never had the chance to when everyone was around.

All the same, you reading this article already shows that you're going through this or expecting such trip from your parents and you're already cogitating what to do with your time.

Below are few tips on what you should do to get you busy;

  • Watch movies
    Yes i know how difficult it is to watch movies each time your parents are around. Permit me to say, not all parent are easy going. So now they've traveled for some time why not implement the time you have now by watching all those movies you were craving to watch fora very long time. Furthermore, this barely requires some hard work or any effort, all you need is a laptop with good internet connection and do your thing. Streaming movies are usually fun and interesting to watch.

  • Text, call or video call a friend
    Before when your parents were around, you were restricted of using your mobile phones in their presence, and now they've traveled you have your phone to yourself. Without wasting time, you could call that friend you've always wanted to have a long phone conversation with, discuss what's trending on Instagram and even video call as long as you want. The time is even more vital to those who are in a relationship. Now is the best time you can do a video call chat with your lover or better half.

  • Browse the internet like never before
    The internet is a big platform for every single person on this earth. With your phone or laptop with you, you can browse about lots of things that you've always lingered for. You can also check the latest trend or the latest sond from your favorite.


This is a good one, well done bro

Only a disciplined and dedicated child will be alone at home without misusing the golden opportunity.
Basically, most teenagers in higher institutions abuse the advantage of being lonely wih little freedom.

Hmmmmm, you just nailed it straight to the point, I've faced being alone so many times though......

Nice piece but then it requires much discipline. Being lonely is real and could be depressing at some point after doing too many activities

I agree with you @inspiredgideon. Being alone sometimes could be depressing. In addition to the points listed above by @Jesse12, you can also spend time in the company of good friends who are like minded or get books to keep you company.

Was so funny I never thought of that...... thanks a lot @joyce-okpobo.....I guess I'll have to stay closer to you in order to learn more and better.

Yeah, lonely leads to Anhedonia most of the times..... thanks a lot for stopping by @inspiredgideon1

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