From Grad School to Cam Girl

in #life7 years ago


I had been freelancing online as a writer and writing tutor for years after grad school before money started to become a problem. I never thought my Masters in Poetry would make me rich exactly, but I am smart. I figured I could make something within the realm of acceptability for my soul to work well enough to live a decent life. But, bills rack up when you make just enough to cover expenses and have a little bit of fun. Still, I had learned how to live without needing much. When I noticed a lump on my dog Luna’s chest, and the subsequent tests were inconclusive, the surgery bills began rolling in. Freelancing wasn’t covering those bills, and that’s when the interest started piling up on the credit cards I wasn’t able to pay off. Interest that nearly amounts to the monthly bills I was paying. Watching myself swirl down the drain into the financial sewer, I had to think of something else.

At the time I was living in Barcelona. I’m from the United States, and I didn’t have a work visa, so getting a job there to help pay the bills was out of the question. Plus, I was already living in an inexpensive apartment, buying the cheapest wine available, and eating pasta and bread as my main form of sustenance. How much more could I downgrade my life to be able to pay these bills and still live a life that brought me a modicum of happiness.

One of my boyfriend’s friends told a story one day about girls that sell their underwear for money. Used underwear that is. Another friend told me about how he sometimes paid girls, just regular girls, to talk with him online, usually naked, sometimes masturbating, he added when I looked confused. Oh, I said, cam girls. He said he didn’t really like being associated with that term, because he wasn’t like the other guys. He didn’t make them do anything they didn’t want to do. Sometimes, he said, they just sat there and talked, in undies.

I’m not the prettiest girl ever. I don’t have big tits, I have thick thighs, my nose is crooked. I mean, I know I am pretty, but I’m no model. But when my friend told me the girls he talked to were just like me, I thought I could give it a try. I needed the money after all, and desperation leads to believing things like earning 10k a week, what they tend to advertise on the popular camming sites. That would nearly pay off all my bills, I thought, and quickly. What did it matter if I was getting naked and letting guys jack off to my alter-ego? I had no intention of ever taking political office. Worst-case scenario, my pics or videos would end up circulating around the internet freely, and I thought, maybe I could make money writing about that experience. So I went for it.

I named myself Pepper. I signed up for a couple of cam sites and a site where you sell your panties. I felt nervous, excited, curious, even a little shy. But the first days were inspiring. I wasn’t making thousands of dollars, but hundreds, and that was ok. And the guys who came to see me had already come because of my pics, so they knew what they were getting into with my barely B-cup tits and thick booty. They told me I was sexy. They told me they loved my voice. They asked me my real name (I didn’t tell them). Some sent me emails, told me they would do anything for me to move to London/Toronto/Jersey/Adelaide/Santiago/etc. They wanted to know if I wanted to see pics of their dicks (I said I did, but I didn’t). I received so many dick pics that I forced myself to solicit.

It turned out that the panty sales website also had a chat option, and in order to sell, lots of upkeep was necessary. In fact, one of my biggest sales was after I Skyped with a guy from Indonesia and sold him the panties I let him watch me cum all over.

Some weeks went by, and I was making ok money. Enough to keep even more debt from piling up from other emergency expenditures from the vet and to keep my own health optimum. That’s when I decided to invest in a dildo, the first I had ever owned. I’m no prude, but I guess I have always had lots of success masturbating with my hands, so I never saw the need. The only times I had been in porn shops prior to that was just for fun, not to buy anything. Shopping for real was a bit intimidating. The sales attendant wanted to know what I was looking for. What size? What material? It hadn’t really occurred to me to think about any of that. Call me naive. I was. After at least an hour in the store, having dildo after dildo explained to me, I decided on one that had an element of realism to it, except for the fact that it was blue. I chose blue for an odd reason. One of my favorite books, or series of books rather, is The MaddAddam Trilogy by Margaret Atwood. It is a post-apocalyptic dystopian tale that includes these new advanced beings that don’t have emotions. When the males are ready to mate, their dicks turn blue and erect, and they get it on with the willing, also emotionless females. That blue dildo I bought made me think of that, and it made me feel like an elite member of the semi-porn industry, educated and well-read. I wanted people to ask me why I picked that dildo.

Business picked up for a little while with the acquisition of my new sex toy, but things got kinkier than I wanted really quickly. The thing wasn’t THAT big, but it was big enough. What I mean by that is that it was way too big to put in my ass, not that I was going to put anything in my ass anyway. It was hard enough in my experience to have anal sex on the occasions I had done it with someone I love, so me putting an uncomfortable toy in there was just not going to happen, at least not for what anyone would be willing to pay me. Plenty of girls apparently just do it as part of their schtick, so me asking for tons extra just made people leave. Ufff.

I started doing this thing where I would read poetry, both my own and my favorites, to my customers. Sometimes, if they paid me, I would even write special poems for them. That helped things out for awhile, but if that niche exists in the cam world, the ones who love watching an undressed poetess read poetry to them in a slow and sultry voice, I wasn’t finding it. I felt sad because of this. I had finally found something that I actually, truly enjoyed about camming, something that was stimulating on my end as well (not only theirs), something that would help the light inside of me, the real light, shine for them so that there could be a semblance of trueness between us, and not many were interested. Translation: the money wasn’t coming in through this medium. Sad face.

I had a couple regulars after some months of the old, non-poetry camming, but I started to feel gross about it. I had one guy who said he was ex-military and lived in Tennessee who wanted to talk to me about my personal life, told me all about his personal life, and he was getting really attached (he also was one of my highest paying customers). Anytime I responded in an even remotely detached way, he would get awkward and a little mean, saying I was playing games with him. He became really pushy when he asked me if I would quit camming and move to be with him, and I just had to put up with it, because I needed the money. I was able to put off my “move to Tennessee” for a couple more months before he snapped, called me a liar and a slut, and I never “saw” him again.

Another guy was from London, and he was another high roller in the Pepper department. At first he was nice, sweet, and took a real interest in my “story.” I told my customers I was a writer and an online tutor, which is true, and he always told me all my students must be in love with me. Honestly, this guy took a bad turn when he got really angry when I wouldn’t come to London with a ticket he was prepared to buy me. Up until that point, I of course “entertained the possibility” of meeting up, but said I had a boyfriend, and that he didn’t love the idea of me actually getting physical with anyone. Online was one thing, but it was dangerous in many ways. I thought that would get me off the hook, but after he had just put a big chunk of money into my account for a session where I read parts of a dirty romance novel and masturbated for at least an hour, he told me I owed him to come visit. Then he started insulting me for staying with a guy that couldn’t even support me, that he would give me everything I ever needed, so I was an idiot and a bitch for not complying. Needless to say, that was the last time I ever “saw” Mr. London.

There are a bunch of other less intense cases as well of this sort of thing, but it made me think I was doing something wrong. When I was completely honest and said I was just in it for the money, they wanted me to do things I wasn’t willing to do (just anal really), and when I lied and pretended that maybe someday we would meet, things turned sour whenever they actually made it clear that their patience was running out in terms of that meeting. What is the happy medium that earns girls thousands of dollars per month? I wasn’t even asking for the big bucks, but for the amount of screen time and primping time and effort put in, the amount of reading sexy stories and engaging in anything from genuine intellectual conversation (naked) to being super naughty and talking dirtier than I ever thought possible from myself, I thought more money would be coming in.

I thought also that maybe I just wasn’t pretty enough. I thought about the novelty aspect of it: the whole porn industry, especially especially especially camming, at least to some extent, is based on novelty. So many guys just flock to the newbies. There wasn’t a formula that would make me a ton of money without a lot of plastic surgery both on the outside and a bit on the inside. My ability to turn my soul into plastic became more and more limited with each guy that said something unsavory to me. I wanted to scream. I wanted to tell them how disgusting I thought they were. I wanted to tell them that their wives should divorce them for being such pieces of shit. I wanted to scream at the screen until it shattered on their end and pieces of glass flew into their beyond needy penises, always wanting more and more and more, never satisfied with the plentitude of sexual acts that I was offering.

One especially tragic incident for my soul happened when a guy paid me to suck my boyfriend’s dick, during a time when I really needed the money, and the things he made him do to me, the sheer amount of choking and degradation (and I told my boyfriend to just listen to whatever he said), were just too damaging. That’s when I stopped. I felt disgusted with myself. I felt disgusted that my boyfriend had seen me that way, had participated in it from my asking, and I even felt a little resentment toward my boyfriend for doing what he did to me. That was completely unfair of me to feel that way, because I told him to do it, but it was hard for me to separate the good from the bad for awhile after that incident. That was the last time I had cammed for a long time until recently.

I honestly can not wait for the day that my finances take a turn in a direction where camming is not something I consider doing anymore. Now, at least it is only a part-time endeavor for extra cash when freelancing work drops off, but the same feelings and experiences are creeping up and eating me inside again. I thought I could handle the cam world after that break, but I’m not holding up that well, to be perfectly honest. If only I could find that small niche of intellectual guys who would love to watch me read poetry in the nude, I could find some pleasure in it. I could relish in the fact that the world of sexual desire is not limited to rubbing cum on my face and in my hair, to putting dangerous object inside my vagina, to squirting and aggressive anal and violence and other over-the-top acts that seem so far from attractive and natural to me that I sometimes throw up in my mouth a little bit just reading what they want from the other end.

Until then, life goes it always does.



Steemit will help with the finances @jessandthesea, and hopefully as it does, you’ll find yourself in a better circumstance where you won’t have to even consider those kind of decisions. The cam world is a tough gauntlet to run. If Steemit does work for your as a platform of positive expression, a few girls here are doing well and are in complete control of their sexuality and what, if any, of their sexuality is shared with the community. Consider following @vermillionfox, @eveuncovered and @denvermax. If the intellectual guys that would appreciate you reading poetry in the nude are anywhere, it’s here.

Wow, thanks for the tips. I'm going to look those accounts up :)

I agree with @kommienezuspadt because it seems ironic to me with doing the cam girl you have been hesitant to share pictures here where I think you could easily with repetition earn $10 to $100 a post every day all the while feeling great about what you are sharing and without anyone getting the wrong idea!

Well, to be honest, the pics I have posted didn't get even $10, and after a few days I just took them down. Not really worth keeping them up for pennies :/

Thank you Jess for sharing your experience here with us! I have spent a lot of hours doing things I did not enjoy for money and when I had the courage to take a leap of faith into doing what I loved regardless of the money, ironically life has now thrown more money at me than I know what to do with. When I took this leap of faith I had $70,000 of credit card debt and my family had over $250,000 of student loans. I took two more personal loans for $50,000 more before my credit totally was shot and I said this

"I am going to work like I will go out of business. I will give everything I have for the free or the lowest price. I will do what I love every day. If my business fails, at least I will have given everything I could and feel good about that. I refuse to do anything that my heart is not in and that makes me feel ashamed."

3 years later all the credit cards are paid off, all the personal loans are paid off, and the student loan debt is down significantly with no payments missed. Almost all of my investments are in this Steemit account which now somehow is worth almost $100,000.

The miracle happened when I started respecting myself and starting saying no to anything that did not make me feel great about participating in. All the times I said yes before and paid the price gave me the courage to make the switch.

I hope sharing my experience with you here is helpful because I have no idea what is right for you.

Hey, thanks for sharing your experience with me. I am working really hard on a project. It just takes time, I guess, or maybe I'm missing some things, or it could be slow going because competing with people that have a lot of money to invest in advertising is hard. I have thought of just investing the money I do have into the project, but I feel so overwhelmingly shitty eating MSG soup all the time...

My debt isn't nearly as much as yours was, but I still feel a bit crippled by it. I should really stop camming and focus all my effort into what I love though, not just some of it, you're right. I really do appreciate you taking the time to respond in such a meaningful way.

You're welcome and thank you for letting me know you read my response! I am interested to see what happens next in your story!

Please stop upvoting this moron scammer! EVERYTHING he is charging people for is available for FREE! DO NOT SUPPORT THE SCAMMER @jerrybanfield!!

It's eerie as hell reading this because honestly I've had the same experiences and feelings. In a weird way it's nice to know I'm not alone, though. There's solidarity in survivorship. You'll have to forgive me for objectifying you any further after all you've been through, but your choice in dildo being motivated by Margaret Atwood is extremely hot btw. The only advice or comfort I can think to give is to take time to heal, adapt, and persevere. Setting boundaries is not wrong, despite the pressures camming puts on you to commodify yourself. There will always be another John. Follow other sex workers, camgirls, and adult models that inspire you. You're still here and all you can do is your best. Also, after particularly terrible clients, cutting things off and seeking support and aftercare + selfcare is more important than any money. You won't be able to work at all if you're stressed, miserable, and traumatized. Hope this helps a bit. Your writings definitely helped me.

I'm sorry to hear you've had similar experiences. I'm currently considering myself no longer a cam girl (though I haven't deleted the contact information yet out of worry that I might need to go back). Are you still doing it? How are you feeling? Thank you so much for reaching out to me. I agree that it is so helpful to know you're not alone, and sharing with each other is the best way to combat some of those gross feelings 100%.

Happy to hear back from you! I stopped a long time ago, but have been planning to start again recently. Mostly because I'm unemployed and sick of working at places I hate/kinda want the stimulation of a project and connection. Thanks for asking about my feelings. I've been battling depression and anxiety for a long time, but I'm doing better lately since I left that really stressful, toxic work environment. Yes ma'am! Agreed. If you ever want to steemit chat I'd be down. I'm not super responsive on here, but I try to check it at least once a day. Thanks. 😊❤

Just read your story and wanted to wish you well. Hope you can find that group you're looking for or something even more fulfilling. Perhaps an editing job or a gig where you get paid to read new novels and stories to make audio books or something. Most of all I hope you stay true to you and never lose yourself in the circus. Thank you for sharing your story, thank you for taking the time to read this response.

I am definitely applying to a lot of jobs and gigs. I was able to do a lot of editing this summer, which was great, but it was just a temporary gig. I am going to look into reading audio books! That is something I havent considered... Thanks for your suggestions and well wishes <3

Have to agree with Lars, but will forewarn you, unless you get a solid following and can attract some big fish to your table, reading poetry naked will net you pennies to the dollars you used to make camming. If Spain is anything like the rest of Europe, housekeeping and restaurant jobs are a hard but palatable way to keep your head above water. Lie about the work visa, ask to be paid cash.
It won't make you rich, but it should give you sustenance while you write your poetry and enjoy your life.

I am actually living in Mexico City now. I have a job, it's just not enough to keep up with the debt unfortunately...

If you are finding the camming such a negative experience, I really would recommend looking to do something else.

It wont turn out good for you, or the people around you, if you are really unhappy.

I have worked on cam with 3 girls, on and off, and it had never been 'bad' or negative. I would stop doing it tomorrow if it became such.

It depends on your values and the priority of time.
For us, its a very small amount of time, to give the freedom to other parts of our live.
(for me personally, giving 8/10 hours of my time each day, to work in mcdonalds, or cleaning job, just wouldn't be worth it.)

(followed you. This is patriot wargamer btw, from a couple weeks ago - my account got blocked, and could do nothing about.)

yeah, I have another job at least, but to keep up with the debt is hard. I guess I will prob stop camming for good at some point, but when there are bills to pay, sometimes I just have to make a choice.

True. - can you just walk away from the debt instead?
I found when I took money from the thieves(banks), and didn't bother to pay it back, I had more money in my pocket! lol

and no repercussions for that???? :)

some, I suppose.
getting a loan or mortgage would be problem! ( I'm not 100% sure though- 10 year old debt). Every time you get a new rental property- 3 months later you get letters threatening court, blah blah. (Put them in the bin, its easier than reading them)
Its made no difference to opening bank accounts, renting property ect.
If you are thinking of it as viable option, let me know - I did it without any experience, or advice - and I would have done it better! - to maximise the benfits!

A raw, honest, and eye-opening post. I've never participated in camming and have only been to a strip club a handful of times (because my niece worked there as a cook). But I wonder at the emotional toll that sex-workers have to pay, and at the stranger and stranger acts that the market demands its performers commit to distinguish themselves. It can't be an easy road.

Yeah, I'm sure plenty have it harder than I do...I really need to stop doing it. Thanks for listening to my story. xo

wozer .. great content.. just tipped you dollar.. :] upvoted

<3 thank you so much. how awesome of you :)

happy to help & following :]

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