"I'm Still Sick"

in #life6 years ago

bart-anestin-100992-Toronto Canada-unsplash.jpg

The week having just passed, has been one of superlative
The joy of meeting new/old friends and sharing music with
Them on Saturday,
The warm, pleasing camaraderie of being with family, kith
And Kin from far scattered locales Sunday afternoon,
And of course the
Safe round trip journey; 600+ miles from Sat morning
To Sunday evening.

Then on Monday, I finally got to see the Veterans
Administration Orthopedics dept, who confirmed
That I do indeed have need to have my hip replaced.
FINALLY! A light at the end of that tunnel.

About this time, disaster began to brew in my sinuses.
I began to have that icky feeling in my head,
Small post-nasal drips that taste bad etc…
Enough of the graphics, you know what I mean.

On the way back to where I parked, a fellow who looked
Familiar to me (and I to him) told me (once we’d figured
That out) that there was a new Activities Director at
“The Regency House” one of my long time clients, where
He is a Resident. I gave him a ride, got the new information.

Tuesday, all that storm brewing in my head, stopped
Brewing, and began to simmer and boil over.
I’ve been sick and mostly in bed since that time.
I Canceled my VA appointment for Wed morning.
Stayed in bed all that day.

Thursday, I MADE myself get up to vote, and the lady from
The new apartment building I’ve been waiting to hear
From called to say “You’ve been approved; when can
You move in?”

“Oh my GOD” I thought, how can this get any worse?
I’ve been waiting, I have not packed even a handkerchief.
So after voting, I went, explained some of my situation,
“I’m sorry Mr Smith, this is first come first serve, I can’t
Hold and apartment for you”
and there was a bit of
Confusion about me not living HERE, while I was moving
THERE (so what am I going to do, pack my stuff out on
The side of the street while they inspect THIS apartment?

That turned out to be a technicality. I have until Nov 1 to
Get out of here and moved into there, and all the while I’m
Getting sicker by the minute.
I get to Kroger, my phone rings.
It’s the VA again, wanting to schedule my HIP SURGERY!
“Ma’am” I said “I am deathly ill, at the grocery store where
I intend to get a bare minimum of victuals, then I’ll be
Going home to bed once more, will you please call me
Tomorrow?” she said she would, and did.

That night, Thursday night before I had to perform on
Both Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon, was the
Worst one yet. High fever, not a lot of coughing, but
When I got up just speaking was barely possible,
Singing was out of the question.
So for the first time in memory, I canceled two paying
Engagements on the day of and the day before, due
To illness.

Here it is Saturday evening, Still aching, still coughing,
Still hurting (but improved in all these respects) I
Plan on resting as best I can tomorrow, then on Monday
I shall begin the arduous task of both procuring boxes,
Packing and arranging transportation, and trying to
Get my living moved from here to there, and

“I’m still sick”

Jerry E Smith

Image by
Bart Anestin, Toronto Canada

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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