Do What Works For YOU

in #life7 years ago


One of the reasons I have decided to start writing again is for the positive habits that I will gain from it. I think the creativity of trying to come up with something to write about every day and then the process of actually following through with it is one of the most beneficial things you could do for yourself. It doesn't have to be writing though, it could be anything, but that's just what works for me.

I used to be a personal trainer at a gym in Hollywood, and I would always come across people looking for the 'best' way to train to get the quickest results. A lot of the time, when these people eventually decided how they were going to train they would only follow through with it for a couple of weeks.

Building a habit is not an easy thing, and it's worth noting that most of the time when we are building a new habit, we are also unlearning an old one. So there are actually 2 processes in play.

There are many routes I could have gone when I was thinking of what I could do to help build positive habits in my life, but I chose writing because I enjoyed it and I don't think I am too bad at it. Reading would have also worked for me, and I will be adding a more regimented reading schedule to my day in the near future. These things only work though because I enjoy doing them, and therefore find it easier to be consistent at completing. You could argue that there are 'quicker' ways for me to force positive habits onto myself, but chances are I would not enjoy them nor have the discipline continue with them for an extended period of time.

Here's a cool side-effect when you are consistent with something: It builds up your overall mental strength, boosts your self-confidence, and also your personal integrity. This means that you will actually believe and trust that when you say something will get done, it will get done. So by consistently performing a new positive habit, it will have a beneficial effect on seemingly unrelated areas of your life! Pretty cool huh?

So, next time you find yourself thinking "What is the best diet" or, "What is the best workout plan", remember that the best and quickest way for you to achieve your desired results in anything are those that you will be consistent at and enjoy the most. It is not necessarily always the new and the popular, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely actually works!

I took the above photo while I was walking to work during a snow storm in Philadelphia. It was my first time living in a city that snowed.


YES! Being invested in something you're passionate about—and being in it for the long haul—is one of the best ways to grow.

Also, I love the title of this post. One of my favourite sayings is "you do you," and I'm always encouraging people to follow their intuition and stay true to themselves. (We teach what we need to practice, right?) :)

Thank you for the kind words Katrina! So glad to hear that you encourage people to stay true to themselves :)

That is so true brother!! Rather do something that you are actually passionate about than doing something that you don't like. The latter will never last long and on top of that, you will have to force yourself doing it.

Winny out...for now ;)

PS: nice pic btw!

Thanks a lot mate!

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