in #life8 years ago

There are crimes that are paid with fines, others are paid with jail, others even with the death penalty, but have asked how many deaths and how much damage has caused the Bullying in the world? And how many people have been arrested for that?

Around 600,000 adolescents between the ages of 14 and 28 commit suicide in the world each year, a figure in which at least half of them have a relationship with bullying; Being the European countries, the most affected by this phenomenon, accounting for about 200 thousand suicides per year.

Bullying can be done anywhere, and anytime and one of the most common cases is bullying in social networks like twitter Facebook Instagram

Harassment and abuse at school: children at an early age who want to be popular or attract attention often bully other children in school, it is alarming that at such a young age this behavior is seen in the behavior of a child as it is A very sensitive age, a young child is more vulnerable to mockery and harassment or rejection of people.

Electronic bullying. Harassment, teasing or blackmail through the internet and social networks. It is growing a lot in countries like United States, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Holland, and Russia.

In the European Union, in the United States cyberbullying is increasingly taking center stage with numerous cases of young people who decide to kill themselves because they can not withstand the pressure they are subjected to.


The British organization against bullying, 'Beat Bullying', warns that the problem is more serious than it seems since, 'in the EU, bullying and bullying are affected by around 24 million children and young people at year".

According to the organization, seven out of ten young people have experienced some form of harassment or intimidation, whether verbal, psychological, physical or through new communication technologies.

Reports from the UN point out that in Europe the ranking by bullying incidence is, in this order, United Kingdom, Russia, Ireland, Spain and Italy.

78% of the adolescents who ended up succumbing were harassed on the web and in real life

Worst of all, there is still no sentence for people who are bullying

The solution must come from our homes, educate our children by teaching them values ​​such as respect, tolerance and solidarity with others, we need to be part of the solution and not the problem


Hi, i just posted an introduction and i have suffered bullying which led me to a life change which i just wrote about. Liked this article and so true. Welcome to Steemit.

There will never be a legal form of punishment for "bullying". It is something that cannot be proven that it happened, nor can you prove damages. So, if you are looking for legal redress, then I suggest you stop. Continuing on ends in gulags and tenners.

The other really big problem here is you classify the bully as the perpetrator and the bullied as the victim. This is incorrect on many levels, and leads to wrong conclusions and even worse methods of dealing with it.

The bully and the bullied are cut from the same cloth. They are both symptoms of child abuse. Where as the bully acts out, the bullied acts in. In all cases investigated it has been shown to be this way. Yes, the bullied needs help, however, the bully also needs help.

One thing that would really cut down on bullying impacts is to abolish govern-cement schools. You force people together that would much rather be apart, and you are basically sitting on a pressure cooker. Our schooling, err prison, system does not allow for the bullied to withdraw. And so reinforces the helplessness that the bullied feels. They are trapped. Learned helplessness is a big step toward suicide.

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