Surprise! One of our top servers was an illegal immigrant.

in #life7 years ago

For the past few years I've been working with a young lady whom I will call Mary.

Once in awhile, especially during tax season, the papers in the corporate office will have to be updated with your current information.

Mary had to come in early this morning in order to give her information again because something had happened in the system and they lost it.

Unfortunately for her, she inadvertently made an error when telling the manager what her last name was.


The main office discovered that there was a discrepancy in her actual name and in the name that was listed in the system.

They decided that it wasn't a typo.

Therefore my manager had to confront Mary.

It turns out she had arrived in the United States four years ago and immediately begin learning English.

She very quickly got a job in the restaurant business and, rather than starting a family, she instead remained single while she went to school.

Mary is a friendly girl who likes to go out on the town and is someone that I spent quite a bit of time with.

She is single, high-spirited, hard-working, and easy to get along with.

She is exactly the type of person that a company would want working for them.

Unfortunately, now she finds herself in a very difficult situation. She will either be deported back to Mexico or somehow find a way to stay here.

She only has 10 days to get her papers in order but things are not looking very good for her.

It's shocking really because I've been working with her everyday for a couple of years now.

There's literally no reason that I can think of why Mary should not be allowed to be a part of our workforce in the United States.

There's nothing that I can do for her though.

All I can do is hope for the best.

I normally avoid talking about things like illegal immigration but sometimes it's impossible to do that.........especially when your friend is about to be deported.


such a shame...People leave their countries for a better future...
Maybe they should check if she contributed to US the time she is here an hopefully she gets a second chance

To be honest I'm quite curious what's going to happen to her.

I hope the problem has a solution to overcome, so that everything is under control.

I can't see a simple solution to this problem.

Hmmm... I really hope everything work out for her!

We are about your server. Immigrant policies are harsh today in USA , aren’t they?

Yes they are a bit harsh.

every time usa dissapouinted news for outside usa

Sad :( I was an illegal immigrant working in Costa Rica. When I lost the job I had working for a call center when it closed, it was hard to find work that paid decently under the table and I came back to Canada. But it was by choice. I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to be deported when you're a productive member of society not hurting anyone

It's incredibly frustrating. She doesn't have many people back in Mexico either so I'm really not sure what she's going to do. She built her entire life here.

Maybe she's needed elsewhere. Maybe the best thing is to have faith that there's a bigger reason this is all happening that we can't see.

Really it is shocked story for mary. This is the really painful for them who are in live abroad as a foreigners like mary.I have found in your story Illegality and humanity. But which will you choice for mary? I HOpe you will reply my questions.

Well Mary does not have a lot of choices right now.

😒 I hope that evrrything will be ok for here so u will feel happy again

Me too although it is unlikely.

Losing a good friend is always difficult

Thank you for sharing @jeezzle, I will always follow you, I hope you can help me:)

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