My friend brought me a plate of food at work today since I didn't get to have a Thanksgiving yesterday.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Having friends is a great thing.

Recently some of my friends that I was working with left for a variety of reasons.

There are still a few good ones there.


I worked most of the day yesterday on Thanksgiving and then when I left I didn't really have a place to go to get turkey.

I picked up some Thai food which was pretty good and I ended up having a relatively nice evening.

It wasn't much of a get together or anything like that though..

I didn't have any turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, cake, or anything like that.

I didn't really have your traditional turkey experience I guess you could say.

So when I got to work today my friend had made me a couple of plates of food.

There's pretty much everything you can imagine on those plates including several nice desserts and a lot of turkey.

It's truly great knowing that people are looking out for you and that people are truly friends with you.

I'm grateful to have good friends.

My friend brought me a plate of food at work today since I didn't get to have a Thanksgiving yesterday.

Follow me @jeezzle


That's pretty cool. Having awesome co-workers makes going to work more bearable.

To have a friend like that is a blessing. You are lucky @jeezzle
Always treat friends like that with utmost care. They are hard to come by these days. Trust me!

that's nice of them to think about you and bring you something🍴 👍thai food sounds good too! 😄

I was pretty surprised to find a Thai place open yesterday. I had to drive like 15 or 20 minutes to get there but the food was pretty good. The best thing was the Thai tea which was just a masterpiece.

It's truly great knowing that people are looking out for you and that people are truly friends with you.

True gems...rare to say the least...

I am always amazed at how some people seem wired for kindness. This isn't to infer that most people aren't kind; but, that some people eat, sleep, and breathe going out of the way to make sure others are remembered.

I have to say, I'm on the most side; but, truly take note of people with a giving spirit. No matter their faith, atheist and agnostics included, I know that most operate from a positive Spirit of giving without desire for reciprocity. Some do it for the acknowledgment; but, most have it in their DNA or upbringing to be uplifting.

They always leave you a better person; and, totally humbled as well.


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