Maintaining your composure in the workplace.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Everybody has emotions.

It's part of what makes us human.

Of course most of us are also indentured servants meaning that we work for a company in order to get paid and we don't necessarily have to agree with that company's values.

This is a part of life.


We need money to survive because no one except for maybe your parents or maybe a friend or two will care if you don't survive.

Money money money.

It kind of sucks but it's just the way it is.

This is why it's important not to bring your emotions to work with you.

I know that sounds like a tall order.

In fact to a lot of people it's completely impossible.

Have you ever dealt with a rude checker or somebody that's acting completely inappropriate at a fast food place or anywhere else?

Well then they don't have their emotions in check.

The restaurant business is no exception to this rule.

You see we work really long days and we don't even always get to take a break.


We get guests that are really angry for no reason at all and even guests that only come out to eat in order to get free food by making a scene.

If you let these people get to you then there's a good chance you can get in all kinds of trouble.

It's really easy to say it really doesn't matter because I'm not going to put up with this.

The truth is that most of us have to put up with stuff that we don't want to.

It's not easy but we work for other people.

We don't work for ourselves and if you do work for yourself then..... hey good for you.

For everyone else though it's very important to maintain your composure in the workplace.

Follow me @jeezzle


Pretty sure my husband was fired from a few jobs in his youth for having a hot temper. I could easily see him throwing food at a rude customer and getting fired. lol.

In my youth I knew how to create a ruckus but I also always knew no one would catch me when I fell. Of course it's too bad I couldn't have held onto that systems analyst job that I had for 10 years but then getting divorced really does a number on you.

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