Don't let someone's negativity ruin the flow of your day.

in #life6 years ago

Today I had a lunch appointment with someone I haven't seen in a few months.

I really enjoy spending time with this person but I don't always get the opportunity to see them.

The last time we got together they wanted to tell me about this exhibit that was happening a few towns over.

That's a couple of hours away.


The exhibit happened to coincide with a day when I get off work in the late afternoon. Technically, I could have made the drive and arrived just on time. However, it is very hot right now and since I have no interest in talking about any of the things that the exhibit is about I can't see a reason to go.

We were supposed to meet at a local pizza shop at 2:00 this afternoon.

I was feeling really good about everything and I was excited to see my friend.

Since I had never been to this pizza shop I arrived at 1:50 and stood outside the entrance. At 2:24 I was just about to leave when my friend pulled up.

Since I was wearing my work outfit it was extremely hot.

I asked if they had any problem finding the place but I was told that there was no problem.

"It's just that I've been standing out here for kind of a long time in this extremely blazing sun." I said.

"You should have gone inside and got yourself a nice glass of cool water. It's much smarter to go ahead and eat then it is to wait for your partner." they replied.

I wasn't really sure what to say for a moment but finally I replied with....

"Well you could have been on time."

I know.

It sounds a bit rude but you have to understand that I've been standing in the heat for something like 30 minutes with a long outfit on.

As soon as we sat down, this person begin talking about the exhibit again.

I told them that I'm sure the exhibit would be fun but that I won't be attending it because it's too far and not something that I would actually enjoy.

They insisted that I would enjoy it and that I should definitely go.... to which I replied that I'm not going because it's too far and it's just not something that I want to do.

I was surprised to see that they would not let up on it.

They ended up standing up, yelling at me, and then storming out. I thought we were just going to have a nice lunch. I thought they just wanted to get together and see me but I'm now I'm wondering if there was some kind of hidden agenda going on.

So I sat there staring at my food which arrived just as they were leaving.

What the heck?

I still have a lot of things to do today so I ate my food, got in my car, and headed home. I'm frustrated to be honest. I don't understand what happened. I made it clear last time that I did not want to go, but they kept bringing it up.

I had actually forgotten about it and I certainly did not think it would be one of the topics for today's meeting.

My day is heading in a certain direction and I need to allow it to head in that direction. I can't be caught in this negative bubble. I'm really not sure what caused the incident but I can guarantee that I was not a part of the problem. I simply sat there and was calm, cool, and collected while my other party blew things up and then ran out.

I guess things go like that sometimes but you can't let it get to you.

It's important to always remember that no matter what happens....

Don't let someone's negativity ruin the flow of your day.


Sometimes other people have a plan for you in their lives, essentially you're just an actor in their life. When you don't do as they say, they yell at you and have no considerations for you. If this keeps happening I wouldn't stay friends with them..

I was thinking something along those lines. I might just be an actor in the play that they have going on. However, if it's a good role I'm willing to do it.... just as long as it doesn't mean driving a couple of hours in the heat because f%ck that noise.

You friend should have apologised for coming late, that's a decent thing to do in such situation since he/she was the one that didn't come on time. Regarding the exhibition, it was nice you stood your ground. People have influenced most of us to engage in activities we never planned for and later regretted ever yielding to the pressure. Next time they will understand when you tell them that you' re not interested in something, that you are truly not interested in it. You wanted to see you friend and have a good time while the came to persuade you to go to an event you're not interested in going. Your meeting already had conflicting purpose, that was why the outcome was that way. Anyway, just move on and don't allow the event get to you

Well I recently saw the movie Yes man with Jim Carrey. I thought it was pretty cool the idea of saying yes to everything. However it means you get involved in some things that you don't want to do. I think saying no is as important as saying yes. However you don't want to say no to everything.... there has to be a balance.

I understand. You don't have to say yes or no to everything. You have to know when to shift ground and when to hold your ground. Beside, one shouldn't be forced or cajoled to do something if they truly don't want to do it. We have to learn to be respectful of other people's resolve or opinions sometimes.

This has happened to me before. An old classmate asked another classmate and me to meet up to catch up. We were happy as it has been sometime since we catch up. What we did not know was that she has a different agenda for the meeting. She has a new job as an insurance agent and she was making this meeting a sales meeting. My friend and I were polite and tried to bring her back to why we are meeting in the first place, to chat and catch up on news of our classmates, how and where they are, not to listen to a sales pitch on why we must buy insurance from her. Then she became pushy and upset and she left in anger that we were not supportive. We paid for her meal but we learnt a lesson. People changed and over the years the nice easy going girl we knew has gone. Whether it was exposure to work stress or other reasons, we will never know. We did not contact her after that, but i am glad the classmate that went with me, now we meet more regularly and we share more than we did before. So maybe that meeting was a blessing in disguise.
@jeezzle, you are right we should not let negativity from others influence our own state of mind and emotion. It can be a bad chain of reaction for others after your bad experience.
Thanks for sharing.

An interesting story. People change and it's not always for the better.

Yeah sir i also agree with you about this.
Best regards from sujonxr.


My pleasure sir.

"They ended up standing up, yelling at me, and then storming out."

Unbelievable. That would ruin my day.

To be treated like that by a friend would upset me, man. I admire your composure.

I am really starting to hate that exhibit, and I don't even know what it is lol.

Well it did kind of put me in a bad mood. So I got home and wrote down a letter about it and sent it to them. We were able to come to an understanding. I think that sometimes people perceive things strangely. They still want me to go to the exhibit. Honestly I'm kind of curious why they keep pushing. Maybe there's something amazing out there.

Or maybe it's some kind of secret society, like "Eyes Wide Shut," where suddenly you realize YOU are the real exhibit!

There's a superb little known horror movie, called "Society," by Brian Yuzna, on a similar theme. That one is even more creepy lol.

I'm sure your friend just wants to share something they care about, and just got a little pushy and entitled. I guess we all do that from time to time. :)

Someone said some persons are loaded garbage truck, don't let them offload on you.

I can certainly dig that.

Man... Sorry for the trouble. Sounds like a selfish person. Too bad. Just carry on is right. Sounds like a lame exhibit anyway. Haha.

Well at least the day has been interesting so far.

You are a good person, truly. You know how to handle your anger. I mean if it happened to anyone else, there could have been more of a verbal argument. But instead you find your calmness on the matter. You chose to see the brigther side and you did not allow the negativity to dwell within you. You deserve a pat on the shoulder. You just did the right thing.

Anyway, it was his lost not yours. Its sad that he could not appreciate you.

I'm certainly not perfect but I do try.. I'm honestly wondering if I should attempt to go to the exhibit since it's so important to the other person.

Just think about it. Maybe he needs your support thats why he went to you in the first place. But, he should not have done what he had done. He could have ask it in a nice way. Or maybe he had a rough day.

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