Do you prefer real paper towels or hot air hand dryers?

in #life7 years ago

It seems like the trend nowadays for any restaurant or business is to install hot air hand dryers instead of using real paper towels.

I guess it must be a lot cheaper not to have to constantly replace actual paper.

There are also always a lot of signs all over the hot air hand dryers saying things like real paper towels are unsanitary because of the trash that they cause.

It is true that real paper towels cause a lot of trash. However, it seems to me to be a lot more sanitary to use real paper towels than to stick your hands in a place where someone else has had their hands.

How many times have you seen someone go to the bathroom then barely rinse off their hands and not clean them much at all?

The old style of hot air hand dryer where you pressed the button and just held your hand underneath it wasn't so bad...... but the new style where you actually stick your hand in a tiny little hole is terrible. You are literally touching the side because it is so small.

Any time I go out and I see the new style hot air hand dryers I am always disappointed.

Change can be a good thing. I do think a lot of the changes we have in the world lately are definitely for the better. However, I think getting rid of real paper towels and replacing them with hot air hand dryers is not only less sanitary but is less comfortable and overall a terrible idea.

I'm glad my restaurant uses real paper towels and I hope that we always do.

What is your preference?

Paper towels or hot air hand dryers?

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Real paper towels! Though some fancier restaurants now have individual face cloths rolled up and stacked to be a one-use hand towel. This always feels very luxurious, and doesn't waste paper. But there will be more washing required, so does it really save resources? Who knows!

Did you use to go to a Spanish learning site called Spanishdict? I knew a kiwi Deb there and I wonder if it was you.

Paper towel all the way! I like it when it gets dispensed by motion sensors because there is less contact.

Real paper towels all the way!

Good stuff...upvoted...can u follow me.....i am new and i will be very thankful to u bro

I actually cringe just thinking about the hot air driers. I can't stand the sensation! Not to mention, I've heard about them being a bacteria fun house of horrors, but I am not sure how accurate that really is.
I'd rather dry my hands on my shirt like the heathen that I am.

I know. I prefer to just run my hands through my hair then use one of those hot air dryers.

I could think of lots of things I'd rather use than that drier... but I shan't foul up your post. Hahaha!

I will prefer paper towel instead of dryer bcoz it deies hand faster than dryer but dryer will no waste any thing but paper towel will waste the trees....result in global warming....
Cam send me some steem power....i am a new and plz tell me how it works .....ty

I'm a paper towel guy myself. Just imagine how many people don't wash their hands and touch the door handle on the way out. I like the paper towels so I can grab the handle and then toss it in the trash as I'm going out.

That is exactly what I do.

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