Being good to people is a skill not often taught these days.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today was a pretty rough day.

There were a bunch of errands that I needed to run.

It seems that everyone around me is sick. I have some medication that I'm taking as well.

Last night I accidentally spilled the last few pills of it in the sink.


I called the pharmacist but they would not give me any extra.


So I drove up north to see my doctor. That meant getting off work a little bit earlier which meant not making as much money for my shift today.

I told my doctor what happened and he suggested that he could see me today with new appointment for $120.

What the heck.

I spilled a few pills.......... I don't need an appointment.

After sitting at his office for like 2 hours I finally convinced him to write me a script for a few pills....... for $25.

It literally took him one second to put a mark on a piece of paper and hand it to me.

I made just over $25 at my shift at lunch today. This guy made $25 in about 2 minutes after making me wait for 2 hours.


After being frustrated and exhausted I drove to my local market to grab some groceries. The lady in the checkout line slammed my items down in the counter as though she was just about to throw a tantrum.

I was very pleasant to her but she didn't seem to know anything about courtesy.

My trip ended with a visit to McDonald's. The cashier there was very friendly. We had a brief conversation about the kiosks that they had installed all around the inside.

Several ladies kept interrupting our conversation though because they needed either a package of ketchup, or some more napkins, or a straw..... and they were just incredibly rude about it.

Whenever I see people acting in a way that makes this society seem like a bad place to live and I can't help but wonder what kind of skills these people are being taught by parents and educators.

My parents taught me to be respectful and I always try to be. I feel people that are brought up today though are living in an entirely different kind of world.

It just seems like people don't care as much about each other as they used to.

Making sure that you are a good person should be at the top of everyone's list........ instead it's all about taking care of your own needs.

Being good to people is a skill not often taught these days.


My friend, you have no idea. So sorry about your day, I think I'm gonna blame the sickness on the weather. I'm quite sick myself, feeling better now though.
As for the doctor and all those other unkind people, well I guess they're are in one way or another contributing their quota to this life we're all living.
Sorry again about your day, I'm positive the coming days will be so much better.

I agree. It's okay to have a bad one now and again because we always know that the better ones are right around the corner.

I don't expect to be treated nicely by people I don't know anymore. Sadly, even people in the service industry. When it does happen I am pleasantly surprised. Not saying I will accept rude treatment without comment.
I treat people nice because I deserve to be nice, unless they unearn(unearn?) it. I feel better when I treat people the way I would like to be treated. Unexpected benefit...often they become nicer.
however, I have to allow people to be just who they are. I don't want to set a standard of how nice someone is "supposed" to be.
I hope you feel better tomorrow, and healthcare prices suck.

I think working at my restaurant has given me the false impression that everyone is courteous because everyone that I work with really is extremely courteous. I find oftentimes when you treat someone nice they will also treat you nice, however, there are plenty of times where people are just jerks....... and seems like it is happening more and more often lately.

Sad but true.
Actually something I hate even more is fake nice. That really drives me crazy.

How incredible is the reality where the great part of the human being is evolving. where only the self-interest of people is seen regardless of what happens to the other. and it is becoming more common that this type of situations where medical services are similar to a robot or computers where they have already lost human sensitivity. I regret that you have had such a day, however for people like you, this planet is a better world. for being positive, for expressing what you feel but not staying in the resentment of what happened a little while ago. those situations that were as good as a story that can help us think better. Maybe we are doing something wrong but after reading your message reflecting and changing your way of dealing with others .... Have an excellent day.

That's true....... it's important to stay positive. Thank you for your comment.

I would be grateful if you could follow me and review some of my post as love for her

It was always like that. But some of us just think that the world can change. That people can change. It is in human nature i guess. The strongest survives.
I don’t lose my faith though. Maybe a day comes we’re there will be global awakening

I agree with the idea of change. However I also believe that the most part people are who they are.

And this is why I raise my son to be respectful and polite. It is so hard to do when those around us are prudes. I have seen many cashiers and receptionists who have been downright rude. This 7/11 I go to, the cashier has a very poor taste when it comes to customer service. Never talks to you nor look at you except to take your money. I am getting to the point where one of these times I will tell him (You should be more polite. I'm sure there are people who would love to have your job.)

It's amazing to see people that work in customer service that have no idea how to treat customers.

Sorry to hear about how the day went. We notice people seem to be so much more self-absorbed these days. There does seem to be a direct correlation between their level of self-absorption and their misery though. I hope today was better!

Today everything worked out exactly the way I hoped. For the most part, everyone I met was wearing a smile. I think sometimes there are just bad days and good days........ and the strange thing is those days often affect just about everyone.

You're definitely right about the last line now. People that are completely absorbed in themselves are not capable of noticing the beauty and kindness in the world around them.

Sorry you had a rough day! And sorry to hear you haven't been feeling good! Hope tomorrow is better.

I hope so too.

Sorry about your day! Being rude is the new normal these days. It makes you wonder where the world is going to. The most important thing is to make your impact felt by the people around you no matter how small. I hope the rest of the week would be pleasant for you.

I wonder all the time.

As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than your oriinal planned. That's what we called, God's will...

Sounds like a sucky day. And ironic that it was the McDonald's clerk who brightened it. Whenever I come across someone who's especially courteous and thoughtful, I just think, "Your mama raised you right."

Sometimes you find a ray of sunshine where you don't expect it.

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