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RE: Thursdays With Uncle Boom #59

in #life6 years ago

My God, man! What a harrowing tale! No wonder you are the gentleman you are today! This must be told and retold in the club for time imemoriam!

But, if you went back in time to become your progenitor, then went back in time to kill your betrothed to prevent you from straying from your path, then that means that you are the one that caused your whole journey, therefore you are the Boom that lit the fire beneath the Boom, which makes you the grand BOOMba! But, if your very essence created you then how would the old you go back in time to spread the seeds of the new you, if the new you is the older old you from which you sprout? Time travel is all so confusing and this is a paradox for the ages! That doesn't take away the astonishing tale that made you you. And, the world thanks you for it!


Hehe, is such a mess this time travel malarkey!! I mean who knew you think it would all be easy but no no, causality and all that shenanigans!!

I am relatively happy that now the loop is almost closed the scene is set! ;0)


Who knew this was all an elaborate setu for something much bigger! I would make a clicking sound, but I still couldn't pick my jaw off the floor!

Hehe, there is some method to my madness!!

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