in #life6 years ago (edited)

Happiness is a situation where individual has more positive thoughts than the negative thoughts. It is a state of mind, and it has three tenets which are pleasure, meaning and engagement.

Pleasure is the ‘feel good’ emotion that is in the mind of a human being. When things are going in the way that a person hopes, they are happy. When people have what they want they are happy. Pleasure is a feeling of contentment and extreme joy when a person enjoys living.

Secondly, meaning is an element of happiness. In this case, a person feels that their lives have meaning and they are important in some way. The feeling of belonging and importance sometimes brings happiness to an individual. This sense of meaning, is related to power. People have the strengths to contribute to a greater purpose and to make things happen in their environment. For example, people who do well in their school, jobs and society are happy because they have a sense of meaning in their lives.

The third pillar of happiness is engagements. Some people are very sad when they are alone and they are happy when they surround their lives with people who love them. Engagement with friends, peers, family and loved ones bring happiness in people’s lives. When a person has all these three components of meaning, engagement and pleasure they are truly happy.

What happiness means to people

There are different types of people in the world and they all derive their happiness from a host of different things. There are many motivating factors for happiness. Some people find joy in family, friends, love, jobs, money and power. Some people believe that being truly happy is having all the money and having what they want, anytime they need it. To others, it is having the people they love next to them. Happiness differs from person to person.

Researchers say that there are two types of joy. There are moment-to-moment happiness and the overall lifetime happiness. Sometimes a person may have a single bad day but his/her life is very happy. There is a difference with the experiencing self and the remembering self. Happiness is subjective, and it is not measurable scientifically. The personal perception of happiness is what matters to different people.


What happiness mean to me

Happiness is the ability to be content in life. There are many things that bring happiness to me. One is achieving the goals that I set out to do. When a person achieves personal goals the feeling is truly gratifying. Achieving long term goals is more satisfying than achieving short-term goals. This is because long-term goals take more time and they require more effort. Another personal element of happiness is the ability to have friends and family who surround a person.

Joy being healthy and having no source of ailments. In all the people in the world, happiness is directly related to pleasure, meaning and engagement. It is a total of all the three pillars. In all the people, happiness involves emotions and it is related to the global feeling that life is worthwhile, fun and it has meaning. A person can give an accurate result and measure of the two types of happiness. A person can give an account for his/ her moment-to-moment happiness and also the overall lifetime happiness.

What does hapiness mean to you?


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Happiness is the real wealth.

Couldn't agree more.

For me happiness is just being able to live my life without it being difficult. I hate drama and everything that comes with it. I always try and find joy in the simple things and I've found that having a grateful spirit makes me appreciate the simple things more.

You've described it so perfectly! I relate most to your definition. Keep being happy :)

Happy new month ladies.

I hope I find true happiness this new month.
Last month was a real sad moment.
Achieving long term goals most often guarantees happiness. Perhaps why I was saddened last month.
Nice having you (Kenyan Steemian) hope the community is growing there

I know that April will be the month for you to redeem yourself. Happy new month.

I like how you defined the term "Happiness", because it's one of those words that you just can't use the opposite of it to describe. Is it the opposite of sadness, or sorrow? Not really.

Then again, knowing how to define happiness is one thing. The pursuit of it, is another. Keep it up!

Yes we are all pursuing happiness. Hope we find it. Have a great day and month.

thank you for this great explanation what happiness is!!

I think I can be happy without achieving a special goal: My goal is just to be happy and make other people happy. The way is my goal.

But I think happiness is only real when shared. Moments, thoughts, experiences.. I can be happy, when I can share my joy with others!

Wow. I love how you define what happiness means to you.

and it's basically so easy to do!

Happiness can be simple. A simple act of kindness is able to brighten up my day :)

Same here. I have missed your posts. Will be heading to your blog soon.

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