in #life7 years ago

Good evening everyone
Good to be here again after spending some day in hospital.. Thanks for your prayer and act of kindness.. More blessings.. During my stay at hospital.,I had some conversation with my Doctor.. Which benefited me alot.. And I'll like to share it with you all... So please take your time to read it all.

Today, I will be discussing Infertility, causes and possible solution

Like i have always been doing, am not going to discuss using much of medical terms so that we can enjoy it, so am going down to our level for better understanding.

so sit down, relax and enjoy urself

Infertility is a global health problem and socially destabilizing condition for couples carrying several stigmas and a cause of marital disharmodisharmony.

It occur among 8-12% of couples and vary from one region to the other, with prevalence of about 10-15% in develop nations and 20-46% in Africa.

Wat is infertility?

To a layman

Infertility is the inability to produce offspring.

In females, it is inability to conceive a child by natural process or inability to carry pregnancy till d completion of terms....this definition above is according to Bimbo Enitan But infertility means more.

Let take an illustrations before definition proper.,

Most couples (approximately 85% ) will achieve pregnancy within one year of trying with greatest likelihood of conception occurring during the early months.

Only an addition 7% of the couples will conceive in the second year

As a result, infertility has come to be defined as the inability to conceive within 12 months of trying

But mind you infertility affects both male and female

It is a condition that affects approximately 2 out of every 6 couples in Nigeria and 1 out of 6 in develop nations like UK, America etc.

Let check out some facts

Do you know about 1/3 of cases of infertility are traceable to male I.e 30%....are you surprise..??

And also 1/3 of the cases are traceable to female too, I.e 30%....Hmmm balance

In the remaining 1/4 of cases, the cause box infertility involves both male and female( genetic issue) or no cause can be identified.

1 more fact and we voom to the main issue

Do u know infertility prevalence rate in osogbo and abakaliki is 48.1% , Illorin is 4% and north central of Nigeria is 15.4%.. These are some city and state in Nigeria.

Hmmm wise up my people, marriage is not only finding that pretty lady and handsome guy. Lolz..

Causes of infertility
Infertility occurs due to various factors, such as immature reproductive system, defective reproductive system, endocrine disorder among others

Can I proceed...

Let take the female first...

Infertility in female
I won't explain, I will only list them..


  1. Eating disorder such as anorexia(loss of appetite) and bulimia( a chronic eating disorder)

  2. Heavy alcohol🍺🍻 or drug💊💉 intake

  3. Excessive weight, Hmmm too fat😢🤣🤣

  4. Stress...

  5. Intense exercise dat causes a significant loss of body fat, Hmmm leap people

  6. Extremely brief menstrual cycle

  7. Tumour or ocyst

  8. Hormonal imbalance


  1. pelvic inflammatory diseases

  2. A previous infection STD dat is not well managed

  3. Endometriosis or fibroid, see ladies can and marry, because if something did not grow in that stomach(pregnant), den something else will grow(fibroid)

  4. Scar tissue

  5. Chronic medical illness, this is another common source of infertility

  6. A previous ectopic pregnancy ( a pregnant that does not develop in the womb but develop in the elsewhere)

  1. DES SYNDROME, this is a medication given to women to prevent miscarriage or premature birth, this can cause infertility issue in the children dey finally give birth to

  2. Abnormal cervical mucus which prevent sperm cells from reaching the egg or makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg.


Potential females are to do thorough physical examination of dia body, which may include look back at your health history, and do physical checking of your sexual organ...the breast, vagina etc

Take a step to prevent STDs and treat thoroughly if you have

Avoid heavy or frequent alcoholic drinks🍺🍻 and smoking 🚬

Avoid illicit drugs💊💉

Adopt good personal hygiene and health practice

Go for check up to know how sexual active and fit you have .

Well early marriage is good for female to prevent Infertility, don't wait till u are out of school or u are 30years

Age is a great problem, the older d woman is, the better the chances of infertility...for unclear reasons, the number of eggs needed to conceive deceases from the day you started your first menstruation, and this eggs decreases at rapid rate as woman age increases....

Aging also affect the quality of those eggs


  1. See your Doctor

  2. Urine And blood test will be done to assess if dia is infections or hormonal imbalance

  3. Pelvic and breast examination( no dey do holy holy for urself but give it to someone that is promising )

  4. Sample cervical mucus and tissue to determine bid ovulation is occurring

  5. HSG....this is a x-ray to view bd fallopian tube to check if there is blockage nor other abnormalities

  6. Do Ultrasound to look at the uterus and ovaries

NB; *Tracking your ovulation through fertility awareness program or counselling.

  1. Taking antibiotics to remove an infections and treat well any STDs

  2. Drug compliance is important

  3. Dont panic

  4. Sometimes surgery might be needed eg fibroid

  5. Take medication to stimulate ovulation

  6. Address all forms of hormonal imbalance like short menstrual cycle, scanty mens, and dark mens etc

NB; *infertility causedbby genetic by problems or illness

And better still go and is not a crime.
Now let's talk about Male.


I will not talk more on this because it is not as complex as that of female...

Do you know that for the fact dat you have erectile organ during sex does not means u are fertile

For the fact dat you ejaculate semen during sex does not mean you are normal

For the fact dat there is sperm cells In ur semen does not mean you are okay....


  1. Decrease in sperm count

  2. Abnormal sperm

  3. Obstruction of reproductive ducts

  4. Other conditions like

cryptorchidism(if the testis is not descending downward during child birth, such an individual will not be able to give birth unless a timely surgical operation is perform after birth)

Alcoholism🍺🍻 and smoking🚬🚬



Long terms use of drug💊💊

Disorder of d hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and pancreas can also caused it


Go and see your Doctor

They will direct you to the lab where your samples will be analyzed

And the examination performed is SEMEN ANALYSIS

This examination is not only meant for those who is having issues, it can be done before marriage so as to know the fitness of your man.

Semen analysis is use to access male infertility, to determine the fertilizing capacity of that man u are following or to access the man's spermatozoa

Many factors are consider during d analysis such as macroscopic, microscopic, and scoring of d sperm cell

NB; Semen is what you ejaculate during sex, and a semen is made up of 5% of sperm cells, suspended in fluid medium called seminal fluid which is 60% and it also contain prostatic fliud

Sperm cell is produce by the testes and it is temporary stored in epididymis before ejaculation


Semen are collected for analysis

patients will be prepare prior to collection,

He has to abstain from sex for 3-5 days

Sample are collected through coitus interruption (withdrawal method)

And the sample should be deliver to the lab and examine within 1hr of collection

Sample should not be collected into condom, universal bottle are always given in the hospital

Characteristics of a gud freshly void sperm

Viscus (thick),


Creamy white in colour

Sticky with sweat smell

And average semen per ejaculation is 2-5 ml

So in the lab they check for all d abnormalities to some of the listed parameters

Microscopic examination
They check for the motility...a good sperm cell In the semen must be actively, progressive moving forward even up to 3 hrs after ejaculation

So in the lab dey check if the sperm cell meet u with dis standard because we have various form of abnormal motility

And another examination is to check for the morphology
A Norma sperm cell should have an ova shape head and tail, all other forms will not be able to impregnate a woman

Further analysis can also be done like staining processing and like

If someone is said to be mean no sperm cell is produce in d semen

Oligozoospermia..mean little sperm cell below normal is produce d best amount of sperm cell dat can impregnate a woman, and dialect are about 20×10^6 / ml of ejaculation

Polyzoospermia is producing above normal amount of sperm cell in an ejaculation, and dis mite be as a result of infection

Hmmm pls am sowi I won't be able to go further I have reach my elastic limits, this are some of things I pen down at hospital.

A normal person for male infertility test is someone who just impregnate a lady, others are odd unless medically proven okay

If you have been unable to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex...Hmmm, please see medical expert

And if u are shy of visiting d hospital, thinking dat you are normal, is beta u have a rethink and give it a try...

My people,ladies and gentlemen, go for check up to be sure of him or her before accepting dat proposal. lolz

NB; * fertility rate in Nigeria have been put to be someone who is have to give birth to 6 children, so below 6 means you are not fertile.... Research carried out in 1994

In 2014, WHO has it own as 5 children per woman, before you can claim to be fertile

I think on this topic, you have learnt one or two things on health talk

My name is Jonathan..a. k. a. Dr Jon's.. And am trying to make common sense.. Show some love to my post.. Love you all..


Thanks for this beautiful post, many had used their hands to destroy themselves unknowingly. I pray many read this and learn. Thanks and stay blessed@jaytea. You're awesome.💖💕

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