Welcome to my World #1 - Hello Sunday :)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Sunday at our house :)

To me, Sundays have always represented a day of rest, reflection, family time and a whole lot of laziness... Sometimes you completely win at the laziness - and sometimes, not so much! (well us mom's anyway)

Generally we will all laze around in bed for as long as humanly possible and when my guilt for lying around doing nothing (which doesn't take much) finally gets the better of me, I will finally get up and cook us a family breakfast (if I am feeling energetic enough lol) - if not, its every man for himself... haha! but on the days that the two men in my life do get lucky with breakfast, it is great - we sit down, chat about what to do with the day that lies ahead of us and generally discuss how delicious the breakfast is because we lay around in bed until we were all half starved. lol

Yes, you might notice that there is no bread on the plate above... I don't eat any carbs... OK, that's a lie, but I do try to limit them, but I promise that the boys got toast :)

I warn you in advance - there is generally a lot of food bouncing around in my house, (and a lot more wine) because well - we love it... (and I love wine) - is that really something that needs to be justified anyway? lol

Once up, we generally go and do the necessary - get more food for supper, lol - and purchase whatever else we need for the house. Today en route to the shops, we spotted a rather interesting character who appeared to be the most avid middle aged Ben10 supported I have ever seen in my life. We couldn't help but crack a giggle, as every single thing he had on him was green and finished off very appropriately by his Ben10 tog bag. (and yes, his top and pants were green too - it just doesn't show up very well on the pic lol) - well - at least he is a #bokke supporter - for those of you that don't know what I am referring to - it's the South African Springbok Rugby team. ;)

Like any TRUE South African - we are all BIG fans of food off the fire... no matter the weather... we have backup plans for the Winter cold. We light the braai fire for the food, as well as a fire pit for warmth for our toesies...

some days (depending on our levels of laziness... or moms rather...) we will skip breakfast and move straight on to a snack style brunch which sees us through to dinner time...

Today we decided to do a boneless rolled pork on the fire... well... not on the fire, on the weber. A real fire to a South African, would involve actual wood and flame. So a weber is what is more internationally referred to as a BBQ? - ie. on the coals with no flame...

Jude and his buddy decided to help with the prepping of the fire pit today :) - well in truth I am not certain if they offered or if they were bribed. haha!

Rolled pork belly roast has got to be one of my favourites and is such a simple roast to prepare... and WHO doesn't like pork crackling.. seriously!!! but we will give it its full glory in just a little bit..

The afternoon generally unfolds with a little bit of everything... me doing laundry, Jude playing with his buddies etc. Today we HAD to clean the fish tank... because, well... we have been lazy the last couple of weeks - but I know the plants rejoice when we do the tank, because we have water restrictions here in Cape Town, so as disgusting as it sounds - the poop filled fish water is heaven sent to the plants :)

We stay in a townhouse complex and the beauty of this is that, the kids have always got someone to play with :) - whilst their is plenty of technology at my sons fingertips, I am always in awe of him as a child of the 21st century, in as much as he would far rather be doing something sports or creatively related...

and whilst the kids continue their antics... there is more VERY exciting laziness unfolding around the house :)

So the day comes to an end and the roast is ready for resting... (YES!! meat needs to be rested before you eat it! lol)

We will now prep the table for our rolled piece of deliciousness and fill our tummies once again...

​>DRUM ROLL< for the roast reveal!!!!

Isn't that just the most delicious thing you have ever seen!!! This will be accompanied by some fire roasted veg, cous cous and a green bean salad.

Once dinner is complete and bath time for my little man is done and dusted, he revels in the pleasure of roasting a few marshmallows around the fire pit!

and that's pretty much our Sunday wrap! it is BLIKSEM cold out here (translation: VERY COLD) so its time to head indoors, enjoy story time and then a movie (or series) for those of us that are adulting... which for me, is accompanied by a delicious glass of red! (what a shocker!) lol!

Tomorrow is Monday, so an early night is always the order of the day... lots to do and even more to achieve!

Many people are depressed by Sundays - I love them, they are a day of QUALITY and they always make my heart smile :)

Have an AMAZING week ahead #steemians and don't forget to be FABULOUS!!!

As always, a blog appropriate track to finish...

Until next time...

ps. I absolutely LOVE cooking - so my friends often ask me for the recipes of the things I make. If there is anything I feature that you like the look of and what to know how to make it - just shout - and I will do a post about it :)


Looks like an amazing Sunday! Great post!

it was a great day :) Thanks for the feedback x

What a nice and tasty post! You have a very cozy house, a wonderful family and excellent weekend traditions!

beautiful photos! Have a wonderful day...looks like you guys are having a blast!

we certainly did and certainly do!! hehe :) thanks for the compliment!

Awesome. Upvoted and Followed

Thank you 👌😎 much appreciated

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