That FRIDAY FEELING!!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

friday feeling.jpg



YES, you all know precisely what I am talking about...

There may be seven days in the week and plenty of them are just fantastical,
but not a single one of them compares to the one and only...


FRIDAY!!!! :)

If there were an expression to describe my levels of excitement
when I wake up on a Friday morning...

this would be it!

and if there was a song to depict my general mood for Friday...

this would be it! (well, the lyrics at any rate lol)

Friday is just one of those days that makes you feel invincible.

After a tiresome four days prior, your mind and body are instantaneously invigorated and there is a world of possibility that lies before you in the two days ahead.


I think we all resemble one another when it comes to the leaving work aspect of a Friday...

Which normally looks something like this...

For some the rest of their Friday unfolds with just a leeeetle bit of this...

and a whole lot of this...

and then for others of us... like me... lol

it looks a little more like this...

with a bit of this...

and more often than not... a WHOLE LOT of this...

which if left unattended for long enough...

ends up like this...

but whichever way we all "SWING IT"

Friday just holds that "AWE"SOME quality!

Two days of reprieve from the hamster wheel and DAMN it is good!

The only unfortunate thing about it all, is that Sunday and then MONDAYYYYY creeps up on us WAY too quickly!

but but but....

lets not get ahead of ourselves....

We are still at the Friday "a world of possibility lies before me stage"...

So... on that note my delicious Steemians....

HAPPY FREAKIN' FRIDAY! - Have a BLAST everyone!!!

Love you all LONG TIME!

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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@ocd @originalworks @steemvote @dse @steemero @markboss @steemvote @steemit @fairvote @monitorcap @minnowsunite @steemspeak


Love, Love Love this one!! I was laughing the whole way through!

Miss ya hun :)

hahaha Glad it brought a smile to your face @michaeldavid :) believe it or not, the feeling is mutual.... but such is life yeah ;) was really nice to see you pop up on my feed xoxo

Us yay sayers gotta stick together ya know :)

I really like your energy hun always will you brighten and that is something I want around me regardless of groups or teams or anything else....


Haha yeah right :D
I know the excitement for the weekend :D

don't we all! ;) :D

It's times like these where we need to remember those we have lost ...

And, yes ... I do own a wine glass that can hold 1L of wine.

@gikitiki I must just tell you that I actually read this comment yesterday morning, whilst on the bog (honest moment lol) and I was still wiping the sleep from my eyes, so I was like...



"omg... this is not good...." lol

aaaand then..... I caught up. hehehehe ;)

Had me laughing for about ten minutes after that! Love your sense of humour xxx

@jaynie hi yeah we all get that party mood feeling when its friday, believe me im rocking it too

hahaha awesome - except it has taken me so long to get back to everyone, that it is now that "sunday" feeling lol ;)

I think you're practically saying TGIF :D

true story! lol ;)

ha ha ha nice ......

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