in #life4 years ago

White Grid Photo Holiday Card.png

Fookin' hell it feels like an eternity since I sat down to actually "write" and publish a post! Time... such a precious commodity that I simply no longer have for myself... but, as we all know - you soldier on!!! What doesn't break you, and all that! I don't know how much I will actually write in this post, but I have physically gotten to a point of CRAVING a catch up with my friends in this space, so - whether it ends up being all pics, no writing... whatever... I am here, and I wish I had two of those REALLY large Styrofoam hands to wave at all of you lol! Speaking of which...


As for my life for the last couple of... I have no idea!!! hahaha Here goes! Pictures are a LOT easier than words these days.... I uploaded these completely randomly (at once) and rightfully so I see we are kicking off with one of our karaoke nights hehe! We put a permanent setup in the lounge so we can access our inner rock stars at any time! lol!


Had just finished an awesome family "house party" and sat down to enjoy some tunes and a little whiskey on the rocks!



Jude ready to rock 'n roll for a karaoke session! Oh he absolutely LOVES IT when we do this and so do I... although I am certain that our neighbours feel a little differently haha!!!! Although, the little girl from next door (age 7) did pop her head over the wall to say "Jude, I heard your singing last night and you are very nice!" haha was too cute! At this rate... they will be getting married because there will be no other prospects for my son in the near future HAHAHAHA!!!


Steaks on the fire... need I say more? I think not! haha!


Bacon wrapped chicken and roast veg combo... a close second to the steaks haha!


Posh pup... being less than posh with sand all over his nose from digging up all my fncking plants as a result of cabin fever haha!!!! This poor little dude has been an absolute CHAMP for the last five weeks!!!


I have developed a new love for Jack on the rocks haha!! Have always been a massive Johnnie Walker fan, but change is as good as a holiday they say!


You see... now THERE is my boytjie!!!! NOMNESS!!!! I could slug that down all night like there was no tomorrow... and there probably wouldn't be! haha! I LOVE whiskey... too much if I am honest, which is why I stick to wine these days... but desperate times call for strong spirits hahahahaha!!! Kidding... I have been saving the wine for my mom as she wont touch anything else.


The karaoke master in action... I DID tell you I uploaded these in one random batch haha!!!


There is that pesky steak from the braai again haha!!! Nothing comes close to a steak off the flame and some tatoe salad!!!! YUMMY!!!!


Shenanigans on the bed with his pup! I honestly think Jude would have lost his mind during this lockdown had it not been for his puppy! What a sad place the world would be without our furry family members!!!


Chillaxing with some tech - and CLEARLY me annoying him with my paparazzi tactics haha!!!


A little bit of crafting fun with my little man! Started collecting the old toilet roll inners and he made some phone holders with them... they turned out pretty damn cool and they work like a charm!


A morning cappuccino with Marilyn....


Some spiced and diced roast veg to accompany our pasta dish! Carb free meals have taken a SERIOUS back seat since lockdown kicked lol!!


Yeeeah.... mom playing barber! Jude SO BADLY wanted the thin line that the barbers normally put in his hair but no only is our cutter NOT of a class to do that.. I am also not a fncking barber hahahaha!!!! - But alas, try I did... and as I feared, it was NOT straight, and WAY too thick... but Jude was OVER the MOON.... so I guess I am in the clear haha!!


One of Jude's school assignments... he had to learn about different kinds of poems and write five different styles of poem... We decided to print them out after and turn it into a poster. As for the creative writing skills, I have to say that I was VERY impressed with how naturally it came to him!!!







Enjoying a little live roof top concert by Ard Matthews, who some of you may be familiar with from Just Jinger... a South African band that went International some years back. He has done a couple of these roof top concerts since our lockdown began - and all in aid of raising money for food for those living in the informal settlements in the suburb that he resides... Hout Bay.


MMMMMMMM!!!! Roasted garlic and rosemary butternut for the braai!


Hot Stuff baby!!!!


Braai Time Chillzzzz!!!


Jude and Granny exploring her family tree...


night time passage cricket...


My cigarette stash LOL.... and I had not touched a cigarette in 5 years! SCREW our PATHETIC government for the tyrannical shit they are pulling!


Movie time for the boys...


Some fresh basil, organo and onion to accompany the pasta which I made for tonights dinner..


fncking hell... another fire haha!!! We do actually have a normal braai, as well as a weber - this is "technically" our firepit... but we generally end up braaing on it because it is so convenient because we can all huddle around it whilst the meat cooks!


Lockdown exercise hahahaha!!!!


Well peeps! I don't get to do this very often these days... so apologies if this was a bit of an overload hahahaha!!!

Take care mofo's!
Love you all long time!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Love your lock-down photos, especially your food and the shot of your son mowing the lawn :) keep safe!

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